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Saturday, April 21, 2007
♥ 4/21/2007 08:27:00 PM

I have not been posting for 2 weeks. I have been quite busy lately, with so many projects and studying for common tests.(There are 4 upcoming ones next week!!!) Anyway, I had quite a lot of fun during the Girl Guides activity at Botanic Gardens yesterday.
It was something like a treasure hunt, with many different stations. The difference was that we could choose our paths as the clues were already given on the question paper. It was an "inter-patrol" competition between the Year 1s.
My patrol-mates and I decided to make our way to the Ginger Garden first. We were searching high and low for the answer, leaving no stone unturned. The question asked for another name of "Torch ginger". Finally, we found it!!! (Actually, it was Ai Wee who saw the description board) We were elated, of course.
As we continued looking for clues, we realised that most of the answers could be found on the question paper itself! No wonder Ms Ngau said it was easy!!! So we just did the rest of them, and went around taking photos of plants and the scenery. (Anyway, it was about time to go back, 4.45pm)
We were the first patrol to arrive at the starting point, so we bought ourselves drinks to quench our thirst at the food centre. Soon, everyone returned and we left at 5.30pm.(It was quite early for us, hahas)
I really enjoyed this outing because I acquired a lot of knowledge about plants, and it also built up our team spirit. (And this is the only time we can't get ordered to do pumpings, hahas)

Friday, April 06, 2007
♥ 4/06/2007 08:08:00 PM

今天,我九点半起床,到了朋友的家去做好公民专题作业 。我们做完了专题作业后,便享用着女佣所煮的意大利面。然后,我们搭了巴士到Tampines Mall去和其他三个朋友见面。起初,我们本来想看“Mr Bean's Holiday"这部电影片,但是谁知我们到了电影院,买票的人已经在排长龙了。我们只好到Century Square去看“Freedom Writers"。

一位名叫Erin Gruwell 的女性刚当上了一间初级学院的老师。她被派到第一级成绩最差的班教英文课。上学的第一天,她一大早就到达了学校, 在203房等待着新学生。这些新学生有一个坏习惯,那就是他们只跟自己种族的同学们交往,偏偏一直针对其他种族的同学。他们之间常常发生猛烈的争吵或战斗。这在美国是一件司空见惯的事,所以其他的老师都毫无理会。但是,Erin老师却绞尽脑汁地想办法对付这个很难解决的问题。有一天,她踏进了课室,要学生们玩一个“认真”的游戏。例如,老师问:“谁曾经在混乱中失去了一个朋友?” 如果同学们的答案是: “是的," 那他们就必须站到课室中间的一条线。“玩”了这个游戏后,学生们才领悟到原来也有别人像自己一样悲惨, 便开始反省一下。Erin老师也买了一些单线簿,让同学们用来做日记,把他们心里的话都写下来。日子久了,同学们之间的关系越来越亲密。对于那些有家庭问题的同学, 老师也尽量伸出援手,所以203房的同学们也就越来越团结了。到了第二年级的年低,同学们必须分班。但他们舍不得离开彼此,也希望明年的英文课又由Erin老师教。在Erin老师苦苦哀求之下,校长终于赞成他们留在一起多两年。



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