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Saturday, September 22, 2007
♥ 9/22/2007 09:36:00 PM

Looking for science notes on the Net right now...
tsk tsk... this new term has been a busy one with the beautiful EOY coming my way.
Let's have a look at my horrible results and my accurate prediction of them, together with my 6 wonderful awards=P

CA1 - A+
Prediction for CA2 - A (GOLD for carelessness award)
Average - A

CA1 - A
CA2 - A (no need prediction, the marks are seen already) (SILVER for carelessness award)
Average - A

CA1 - A
Prediction for CA2 - A (Gold PLATINUM for "plain-lucky" award)
Average: A

CA1- B
Prediction for CA2 - B (Gold PLATINUM for hopelessness award)
Average - B

CA1 - A+
Prediction for CA2 - B (Gold PLATINUM for carelessness award)
Average - A

CA1 - A+
Prediction for CA2 - B (Gold PLATINUM for deprovement award)
Average - A

CA1 - 3.67
CA2 - 3.47 wth???
Average - 3.57

How proud of myself I am...6 nominations for awards and winning all nominations...I cannot damn anyone else except for myself......Fine fine fine, I shan't expect too much, the comments are more important. (*In a crying voice to gain sympathy* as quoted by yang lao shi) Teachers, please pity this helpless, innocent girl who studied dilligently but still did badly and at least give me nice comments to make up for my deprovement (is there such a word?) in GPA.

I must study harder for the EOY and not win any more stupid awards!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007
♥ 9/16/2007 03:51:00 PM

I have not been blogging recently cos I have been studying for tests, but since today is a Sunday, I guess I should chill out for a while.
More stuff about the you-know-who 3C's person (refer to earlier posts) :
I got so touchy today that I cried at TM for 30 mins just explaining about you-know-who to my mum. I'm not the only one who is upset over this. I shall relate one incident...
On Thursday, you-know-who found out that 13 people from our class didn't bring our HCL textbook, so you-know-who was asking Zi Ying and Weixin,"我加分给那些有带课本的同学,是对的做法吗?”
Both of them brought their books, but they were afraid to offend the other 13 who didn't bring the textbooks, so they said,"Don't know."
Then you-know-who was like scolding both of them very seriously, saying that they can't tell right from wrong. I mean, they said, "Don't know", not no...
After that he was talking about an incident on Teachers' Day when a boy asked to pass a present to his teacher, then you-know-who didn't want to entertain him. So he asked us, "你知道他忘了说什么吗?” Then he asked someone and that person didn't know, so he called her "笨孩子!” angrily.
Then Tabitha was like raising her hand and saying,"他忘了说老师节快乐。” So you-know-who was praising her to the heaven. Not like we are jealous or what, but i'm sure there are many other people who know the answer, and even if he/she doesn't, there's no reason to call him/her stupid.

Ok, you want more insight, go to Jiamin's (Jam) or Yvon's blog. I shall talk about more motivating stuff =P
There's this catchy song that I heard on radio almost everyday. It's "Remember The Name" by Fort Minor. The chorus is something like:
10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
50% pain...etc
I think that it is very meaningful indeed. Let's interprete the chorus (hey, I'm practising LA Unseen Poetry =P) :
10% luck (luck doesn't count much in success, it's just 10%)
20% skill (This shows that even if you are born with the talent and yet you don't work hard, you will get nowhere, it's just 20%)
15% concentrated power of will (Perseverance is quite essential, because perseverance usually comes with hard work, which takes up 50%, so both will take up 65%, that's a LOT!!!)
5% pleasure (If you have no luck and no skill, but yet you like it and are willing to work hard and persevere, that's already 70%!!!)
50% pain (The most important of all, hard work. No pain, no gain, cos every failure is a step to success. With evidence from the 1st 2 points, even if you are soooo lucky and you are born with the talent and you like it, that's only 35%, which is still little compared to hard work.)

That's my interpretation, it gives me some motivation yeah? that I don't have to be born with the talent =P
So, you-know-who, we are not stupid kids, we are just not born with those talents you expect us to have, but that's only 20%, if we work hard and persevere, we have 65% of our success, and when we succeed, we'll begin to like it more, so that's 70%!!! Then soon, we will put in much more effort to learn the so-called skills, then it'll be 90% for us!!!
Make sense huh?
Well, that's all for now. xDD

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
♥ 9/11/2007 07:58:00 PM

Did you just hear what was on the radio just now????
Osama was praising the terrorists who were in the plane when it crashed into the World Trade Centers.
Yes, it's the 11th of September today, 911. Condolences to the people who passed away on this day, 6 years ago.
It's a sad thing, especially to the bereaved families. At least a number of people escaped, but it is still terrible.
And yet he said these kinds of things! That's just so heartless =((
How does it feel like to lose a loved one? TERRIBLE.
Can't believe I'm feeling so down just because of what he said on the radio...I bet there are many others out there who are feeling the same way too...
It's not nice to say things like that...

Dear Lord,
These kinds of people who succumb to Satan will eventually come to a bad end. Satan is too devillish =(( He keeps trying to ruin our life all the time and never gives up. But please protect the innocent people and bless the poor bereaved families as they commemorate this eventful day.

I'm saddened by his unfeeling remarks =(( It's just so unfeeling.
6 years past really fast, to think i was still in Primary 1 when this incident happened.

The song "Where Is The Love" by the Black Eyed Peas is really very meaningful. Part of the chorus goes like that:

"People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father, help us
Send us some guidance from above'
Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love?"

That's all for now xDD
May not be blogging so frequently now...hiatus time =))

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
♥ 9/04/2007 02:02:00 PM

Hahas, this is a random poem that I wrote on Sunday. Took about 3 mins or so cos i didn't put much feelings and emotions in it =P

I'm the girl who sits behind you in class,
I'm the girl whom at the corridor you may pass,
I'm the girl who's barely 5 feet tall,
I'm the girl who detests basketball.

I'm the boy who always tucks out his shirt,
I'm the boy who ogles at a girl's skirt,
I'm the boy who always spews vulgarities,
I'm the boy who flunks both sciences and humanities.

I'm the rich kid with no other friends,
I'm the poor fool with no money to go to school,
I'm the popular kid who bullies the weak,
I'm the emo-dressed teen who hangs out with my clique.

I'm this, I'm that,
I'm thin, I'm fat,
I'm shy, I'm bold,
I'm young, I'm old.

Stop! Stop! Stop!
My list shall stop here!
I'm anyone that I can be,
But the only one I want to be is ME!!!

I've got 6 pieces of work for my CAP portfolio. YAY!!! 4 more to go!!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007
♥ 9/01/2007 08:51:00 PM

OH YEAH!!! The sept holidays are here!!! But the purpose of this holiday is for studying for the EOY(End Of Years')>.<
And the SC interview is finally over for me!!! What a relief!! It was really nerve-wrecking, seriously. The questions were like directing us in promoting ourselves. I didn't really dare to boast much, but I still did(not boast) xDD
There were about 5 interviewees in one room together, with a panel of 8 interviewers; a male teacher, 4 female teachers and 3 SCs. it was soooo scary!!! When I went inside and introduced myself, Jia Hui and Xingqi, two of the SCs, were like looking at me and saying my name. So scary, it was like they heard of me or something like that. >.<
Anyway, it's over!!! We will know the results in term 4, although I feel I don't have a high chance of getting in, just hoping for a miracle to happen lolx =P
That's all for now, I'm waking up at 7am tomorrow to go for a 5km run with my mum, so that she can check out the route for some women's run or something like that, while Yin Zheng stays at home to study for PSLE lolx


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