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Thursday, November 27, 2008
♥ 11/27/2008 08:49:00 PM

Wheeee here is some random stuff from Lisha's blog(:

I'm supposed to fill in the blanks.

Dear -someone-,I don’t really know how to tell you this, but (_1_).I think I realised it (_2_), (_3_) and I saw you (_4_) (_5_). I’m sure you’re (_6_) enough to understand (_7_). I’m returning (_8_) to you, but I’ll keep (_9_) as a memory. You should also know that I (_10_) and (_11_).(_12_),-Your name-

1. What’s the colour of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red- Our affair is over
White – I’m joining the Convent
Black - I dislike your eyelashes
Green - Our socks don’t match
Grey - You’re a pervert
Yellow - I’m selling myself for candy
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You’re mean
Other - I’m in love with your cat

2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night you picked your nose
February - Last year when you peed your pants
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on peanut butter
May - When I threw up in your sock drawer
June - When you put cuffs on me
July – When you smacked my butt
August - When I saw the purple monkey
September - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub
October - When I quoted Forest Gump
November - When your dog humped my leg
December - When I finally changed my underwear

3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Lasagna- In your car
Pasta - Outside of your office
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad – As you were eating Kraft Dinner
Chicken - In your closet
Kebab - With Jean Chrétien
Fish - In a clown suit
Sandwiches - At the Elton John concert
Pizza - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a street light
Annat - With George Bush and Stephen Harper

4. What’s the colour of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - IgnoreBlue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put whipped cream on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the pants off of
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive over

5. What’s the colour of your undies?
Black - My boyfriend
White - My father
Grey – The Catholic Priest
Brown – Your ‘My Little Pony’ collection
Purple - My corned beef hash
Red – My knee caps
Blue - My salt-beef bucket
Yellow - My illegitimate child in Ghana
Orange - My Blink 182 cd
Pink – The Montreal Canadian’s goalie
None – My prized statue of Michael Jackson in the nude
Other - The elephant in the corner

6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs- Man
O.C.- Emotional
One Tree Hill- Open
Heroes- Frostbitten
Lost- High
House- Sly
Simpsons- Cowardly
The news- Scarred
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy- Senile
Top Model- Middle-class
Annat- Ashamed

7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful you are
ad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn’t exist
Angry - That your smell makes me vomit
Depressed – That we’re related
Excited - That I may pee my pants
Nervous - The middle-east is planning their revenge on you
Worried - That your Ford sucks
Apathetic - That you need a sex-change
Ashamed - That I’m allergic to your earlobes
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Silly - That there is no solution to you being a dumbkid
Other - That your driving sucks

8. What’s the colour of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your toe ring
Yellow - Your love letters to me
Red - Your Elton John poster
Black - Your pet rock
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from Vegas
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your nose hair clippers
Grey - Our matching snoopy underwear
Purple - Your old New Kids on the Block blanket
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your car

9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo with the moustache drawn on it
C/D - The oil tank from your car
E/F - Your neighbour’s dog
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of that blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X – Your glass eye
Y/Z - Your credit cards

10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Told my psychiatrist about the bruises
C/D - Never will forget that night
E/F - Always wanted to break your leg
G/H – Hate your cooking
I/J – Mocked you behind your back constantly
K/L - Will tell the authorities that you did not steal that whale in the back yard
M/N - Told in my confession today about the moose poaching
O/P - Was interviewed about the car you stole
Q/R - Always will remember the pep talks
S/T - Get sick when I think of your feet
U/V - Will try to forget that you broke my heart
W/X - Haven’t showered in a month
Y/Z – Am better off without you

11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship is ruined
Beer – you should stop picking your nose
Soft drink – I’m off to lead a new life as a lemon
Soda – I will haunt you when I’m incarnated as an Eskimo
Milk - The apartment building is on fire
Wine – Thanks for the Cocaine
Cider – I have a passionate interest for mice
Juice – You ruined my attempts at another world war
Mineral water – You should get that embarrassing rash checked
Hot chocolate – Your Cucumber-fetishism is weird
Whiskey - I love Oprah Winfrey
Liquor - I chew on your earlobes while you sleep
Other – I’m scratching my ass as you read this

12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand – Warm tingly sensations
Australia - Best of luck on the sex-change
England - Good luck in jail
China – You make me sick
Germany – Please don’t hurt me
Japan - Go milk a cow
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
USA - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt – Kiss my butt
France – With tears of sadness
Spain - Go drown yourself

And so after filling in the blanks with the words the letters gonna sound really retarded :X

Dear pretty,I don’t really know how to tell you this, but (_1_)our romance is over.I think I realised it (_2_)when I threw up in your sock drawer, (_3_)outside of your office and I saw you (_4_)sit on (_5_)the Montreal Canadian’s goalie. I’m sure you’re (_6_)cowardly enough to understand (_7_)how awful you are. I’m returning (_8_)your toe ring to you, but I’ll keep (_9_)the oil tank from your car as a memory. You should also know that I (_10_)hate your cooking
and (_11_)you ruined my attempts at another world war.(_12_)Go milk a cow,-Sweet-

LOL that is awfully retardedness okay.
The letter is so O.o
Hahahaha my answers for the questions actually can link into a letter.
Okay I was being very random.

♥ 11/27/2008 09:25:00 AM

Just remembered a phone conversation I had with Tabitha a few days ago.
We talked for quite long.
What else?
About Kezo.
We recalled the most memorable thing about every single classmate.

1) Caris - Her laughter!
2) Cherisse - That's me ain't it. LOL okay fine I'll leave that to the last(:
3) Sing Rue - Her "Gooooo forrrrr flaaaagggg raisingggggg" in a monotonous tone!
4) Sylvia - Her laughter!
5) Christina - Moments when she opened the class door and everyone stared at her because they thought she was the teacher, and she went "What?!"
6) Hui Wen - The time when she was crazy over the phrase "shabu-shabu"!
7) Jia Min - Her laughter!
8) Amanda - Her 'eh, thanks ah!'
9) Zi Ying - Her "Oh!" with electrical shock!
10) Lynette - Her 'stoning' face!
11) Sheena - Her cute 'nnnggggg' when she gets excited, which comes with the clapping of hands!
12) Nicole - Her blurness during presentations!
13) Tabitha - That's Tabitha LOL. Okay fine I'll leave that to the last too(:
14) Sher Min - Her nickname Tan Sher Moo?
15) Shu Jun - Her laughter!
(Yes, our class people have very very unique laughters!!)
16) Weixin - Her "Eh I tell you ahhh!!!!" which includes sound effects of hiting someone's shoulder!
17) Teri - Her accent
18) Yvon - Her "Class funds broke already luh!!!"
19) Calvin - His "My name is En Zhi"
20) Jacob - His "Oh no you don't!"
21) Marcus - His erm what the mook thing?!
22) Zong Long - His sickness!
23) En Zhi - His "My name is Calvin"
24) Han Siang - His being yanglaoshi's favourite pet!
25) Darryl - His river of swear words!

So after that we begin to think about our favourite phrases.
Mann I have alot!
"Ehhhhhhhh shut up luhhh(in that kind of tone)"
"Oh yay!(In that kinda tone nad accent)"
"Errrrrrrrrrr....", with my -.- face(no sign of smiling)
And many many more.

Then for Tabs is:
"Tell you ah you know ah(in that kinda tone when she gets agitated)"
"Errrrrrrrrrr....", with her O.O face(smiling)
And many many more haha.

And all that random stuff in class when you say something out loud and the whole class sunddenly happens to be so quiet.
I remember during a History lesson nearing EOYs, Mrs Wong asked us to write some source based stuff.
Weixin: Eh Cherisse I don't know what to write lehhh!
Me: Aiyah just write any crap you can luh!!!
*whole class happens to be quiet and starts stoning*
*Weixin starts laughing out loud -.-*

These stoning moments are so so so memorable okayy! :D

Oh btw I was informed that the sec3 SF thing for sec3 Orientation was cancelled!
Which means I don't have to get laughed at by Guides people hehe :D
that's all for now I guess.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
♥ 11/26/2008 07:57:00 PM

Oh yay :D
I finished Macbeth!
Macbeth is an interesting story.
Sorry I'm abit slow so now and after Huiwen's enlightment I feel enlightened that it is a tragedy(:
But whyyy is it counted as a tragedy?
So many people died.
So now it makes the deaths seem so common.
The deaths of alot people is now counted as a statistic.
But anyway the witches are uber smart.
Not born of woman = Caesarean
Just a little less smart than me.
The difference is that I'm much nicer and sweeter than them :D
lol sorry I'm just joking.
Don't get too uptight yeah.
I'm not smart at all.
I'm bright :D
So bright that I glow in the dark.
I feel a cold wind gush by.
*tree leaves rustling*
whhhhhooooooooo ~~~~~

Due to the economic recession, most of my Christmas pressies this year are more than 80% hand-made.
Only the base materials are bought.
I'm sorry if you were expecting a 100-carat diamond ring for me to propose to you with on Christmas Day.
I'm sorry that's not going to happen this year. (This is directed especially to the clique 6 peeps :D)
hahaha yeah.
This is the first time ever that I have ever spent so much thinking about Christmas cards designs.
Everyone that I'm giving to has a different one okay :D
Shows that you all are special and unique.

That's about all bye!

Monday, November 24, 2008
♥ 11/24/2008 11:23:00 AM

Finished 3/4 HCL stuff.
1 more jian3 bao4!
Read abit of Macbeth.
Don't know how to describe it.
It looks kinda like a tragedy.
Can't say that I adore it very very much but so far from what I read, the summarised plot is quite interesting(:
My mum bought "The Sleeping Doll" for me at Borders yesterday.
Sounds like some kiddy book yeah?
It's a crime/thriller book.
And I bought a Christian book at Popular a few days ago.
"Where Is God When It Hurts?"
Talks about physical, emotional and spiritual pain.
True stories.
Now I love books more.
I'm going to white sands library later after lunch to borrow books on emotional/mind/personality stuff! ;D
I like those kinds of books.
That's why I said one of my ambitions is to be a psychologist.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
♥ 11/22/2008 08:24:00 PM

I took the DISC test during shepherding.
The results are that I am an I-S.
Both scores about the same.
My whole thing is I-S-D-C.
I - 49
S - 45
D - 29
C - 26
So now I'm trying to read up more about what I-S is supposed to mean and what are strengths and weaknesses of an I-S.
I'm very interested in these kinds of things lor ;D
Remember I once posted that one of my many ambitions is to be a psychologist?

From Wiki :

Influence: People with High I scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, optimistic.
Steadiness: People with High S styles scores want a steady pace, security, and do not like sudden change. High S persons are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, tend to be unemotional, poker faced.

Both are so opposite omg.
Okay not totally opposite.

From http://www.axiomsoftware.com/disc/interpretations/is.php :

Influence and Steadiness are both communicative factors more oriented towards feelings and emotions than hard fact and practicalities. In combination, they describe a person oriented towards personal matters and the understanding of other people. The behaviour of such a person is confident, warm and friendly, but nonetheless incorporates a sympathetic ear for others and a readiness to help with others' problems where possible.

Relating to Others
Of all DISC profiles, those following this general pattern are probably the most effective at relating to other people, in an all round sense. They are able to socialise easily and their gregarious natures allow them to feel at ease with people they do not know. They are often persuasive and charming, but the Steadiness in this profile means that they are also able to adopt a more open, relaxed approach when a situation demands, becoming less directly active and more passively receptive to the ideas and feelings of other people.

Common Abilities
The strengths of a High-I profile relate to their abilities in the areas of communication and understanding. In this case, the high Influence is shared with Steadiness, allowing them to fulfil supportive roles well, being understanding and sympathetic, but their more outgoing side means that they are also able to operate effectively in a social or persuasive sense. It should be noted, however, that people of this kind place less emphasis on matters of practicality than a purely High-S profile style, as this element is balanced by the less methodical Influence factor.

Motivating Factors
Antagonism, rejection and confrontation are all situations that this type of person will try to avoid. To use their considerable communicative powers, they will need to feel that they are operating in a favourable environment, and that those around them are sympathetic and approving. To feel completely motivated, individuals with a Counsellor Profile need to feel that they are appreciated, respected and liked by the people around them, and will sometimes go to unusual lengths to attract positive attention of this kind.


From http://www.discprofile.com/whatisdisc.htm :

- People oriented, Optimistic
- Recognition needed, Entertaining
- Expressive, Outgoing
- Enthusiastic, Energising

Influence patterns
- Promoter
- Persuader
- Counsellor
- Appraiser

- Stable, Cooperative, Predictable
- Deliberate, Work in background
- Diplomatic, Consistent
- Good listener, Sympathetic

Steadiness patterns
- Specialist
- Achiever
- Agent
- Investigator

From http://www.genecombio.com/sitepix/page_images/Dealing%20with%20Difficult%20People_reports.pdf :

• Praise
• Popularity
• Attention
• Rejection
• Criticism

May, under pressure (when
feeling not valued and
· Not listen
· Be over-optimistic
· Be easily sidetracked
· Be excitable and oversensitive
· Melodramatic
· Manipulative
· Get caught up in own and others’ emotions

What they don't like:
· Criticised in front of others
· Isolated
· Ignored
· Rejected
· Embarrassed or humiliated
· Given unnecessary detail

What they like:
· Their ideas acknowledged
· Enthusiasm
· Their feelings recognised and respected
· Communicated with often and positively

If managing them, provide:
· Recognition, praise
· Give them a chance to shine
· A role that involves working with other people
· Clear expectations and deadlines
· Help to plan and think things through

Good listener

• Security
• Stability
• Support
• Insecurity
• Instability

May, under pressure (when
not consulted, listened to,
pushed and hassled):
· Become over-cautious, indecisive and hesitant
· Become too dependent, need constant guidance and reassurance
· Become demoralised and get into ‘poor me’ mode too easily.
· Be resistant, stubborn and defiant if pushed

What they don't like:
• Go too fast
• Overwhelmed or overloaded
• Too many things changed too quickly or too often
• Things done without consultation
• Rushed or hassled

What they like:
· Genuine honesty
· Sincerity
· Appreciation
· Be relaxed
· A steady pace
· Reassurance and support

If you are managing
them provide:
· Stable, familiar environment.
· Working in a small team of friendly low-key people
· Specialised work
· Clear instruction and reassurance
· Time to get used to new, things
· Reliable tools, equipment, information

Hmm interesting...
I didn't believe my results at first.
I thought I might be I-C/C-I?
or S-C/C-S?
or I-D?
But I am I-S.
But actually most points are quite true for me :X
I sort of know myself better after reading all these.
I found strengths and weaknesses that I had previously overlooked in my daily life.
These were the strengths and weaknesses I wrote down before Fiona gave me the test.

Strengths in red, weaknesses in green.
- Encouraging yet insenstive to others' feelings at times when I get too carried away.
- Focused when I start on a task, but when I stop, I'll procrastinate before continuing on with the task.
- Give my all when I do something, but I'm a perfectionist and might expect others to reach the standard I want.
- Impulsive and get angry easily, but my anger does not last very long.
- Can be friends with anyone, but I might talk crap and suan others without knowing whether they took it as a joke or seriously.
- Humble about small achievements but proud when I do something exceptionally well.

Hmm yup.
It was kinda tough for me when I was writing all these cos firstly it is very difficult for someone to admit his/her own weaknesses.
And secondly my weaknesses seemed more than my strengths at first.
But in the end I still managed to realise that my strengths and weaknesses actually mirror each other.
That's so cool :D
Okay so after reading all that research about I-S. I found out alot more strengths and weaknesses about myself.
Truth hurts seriously, but admitting our weaknesses is a sign of strength(:

Anyway a few days ago wt called to ask if I want to be SF for Yr3 Orientation.
Cos they needed alot more people.
Then I said I'm shy to go alone.
My old class and new class also got no one there.
So I dragged Tabitha along too haha.
I said if she goes, I'd go.
But then I'm shy lehh :@
Cos it's so weird to facilitate your own level haha.

Friday, November 21, 2008
♥ 11/21/2008 11:28:00 AM

I feel a sense of satisfaction.
I finally had discipline to finish 1/2 of my chinese homework.
It's chinese you know!!!!
And I finally completed the Doubt & Trust piano song.
After like so long of procrastinating and getting stuck before the chorus cos I didn't dare to play the chorus cos it seemed so horrifying.
At least now I'm almost at the end.
And now I just need to practise more until it becomes more polished haha ;D

I think I have changed alot since Year 1.
I don't know how.
But I just feel so different now.
So different.
Lol sorry I'm crapping.
*snaps back to reality*

Anyway I really want to look for a thin lock of hotpink/purple fake hair and tie it on my hair during the holidays.
Cos I don't want to bite my nails.
Cos when I'm bored or doing something sedentary like watching tv or reading, I can kick de habit of biting my nails and twirl the fake hair instead.
But I don't know where to find luh haha.
I MUST kick the habit of nail-biting.
I know!
Can polish my nails.
So that with all that varnish on nails which will definitely taste disgusting when your tongue touches them (not that I tried it before), I wouldn't want to bite them.
I don't know luh but it's just a habit already.
Very difficult to kick it but I'll try :D

And anyway.
from those 3 days of first aid course, I earned alot of secrets and 丑事 from guides hehe ;D
And I've finally seen the inner bimbos in Michelle and Sally.
oops haha :D
Cos during the first aid practical:
Me: Maam, I am now going to examine you, if there's any pain please let me know. (rapid body survey)
*starts with the head*
Michelle: My hairrrrrrr!!!!!! You seeeeeee luhhhhh!!!! D:
Me: Don't bimbo can? Abit only whattttt. :X
And after CPR test when we were in the classroom:
*some people touch Sally's hair or something like that*
Sally: My hair luhhhhh!!!! All messed up!!
Me: Abit only whatttt. :X
hahaha :D

Thursday, November 20, 2008
♥ 11/20/2008 07:50:00 PM

Actions speak louder than words.
Don't tell the whole world about all the poor people in Africa, Zimbawe, India and whatnot when you don't intend to do ANYTHING about it.
I mean, it's like complaining about how lousy your results are to the whole class and yet still slacking and not paying attention in class.
Trumpeting all these sad stuff to the whole world doesn't show that you've got more compassion than people who don't.
And trying to make the people who don't say anything feel guilty by using things like, 'you people are so lucky blahblahblah'.
We all know that.
But ARE YOU going to attempt to make a difference to the poor people?
Even if it is just to one person?
Just to see a smile on that person's face?
If you are just going to continue blaberring on and on and on and on without doing anything, then I'm sorry, you are really not doing anything even if you speak and speak and speak.

Okay anyway.
Let's talk about a different story.
About what happened today.
Yay we passed our first aid test!
Practical is so fun(:

Michelle Teo Mi Xue!!!!!!!!
Hurrrrrrrh I feel like strangling you luhhhhhhh!!!!
I'll get back at you mark my words mann!
hmmm :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
♥ 11/18/2008 07:40:00 PM

First aid course today was kinda fun although the theory stuff were kinda boring.
But overall it was still fun, especially with ♥♥♥41st Batch♥♥♥ around!
But then they all kept bullying me lor.
Especially Michelle and Claire.
Kept on vandalising my notebook and the noticeboard with LAME initials.
They bluffed me...
They said they wanted to write their names on my notebook, then after that they wrote...
They said they wanted to form 'U' on the noticeboard using pins, then after that they formed...

Anyway then when I was the casualty, Michelle totally violated me okayy.
And then I told her I was *ahem*, then she gave me the look like she wanna box me or what :D

haha anyway I realised that I have no ambition.
Cos the instructor asked everyone to tell the class their ambitions during introduction round.
And then I went, "I don't know. I don't have any."
And then Michelle said "Judge." -.-

And then Claire's one was funnier.
Claire: "I don't know. I haven't decided."
Michelle and Cherisse: "Zookeeper!"
Personal joke :D

Anyway, I thought of some crappy ambitions already yay!
Okay but they will be very lame in your eyes so please do not laugh at me.
1) Private Investigator. Because I like to help my friends spy on PEOPLE :D
2) The people in the theme park who go, "Welcome aboard XXX roller coaster. Please put your bags under the seat in front of you. Thankyou.". Because I think it's very fun to work in a theme park :D
3) Okay this one is serious. Psychologist. Well cos I feel very comfortable to be an encourager, especially to be able render 'first aid' to those with broken hearts and those hurt emotionally. And I really gain satisfaction from doing so(:

Okay xintian's blog about the quiz that I did is so funny!!! especially a particular question :D
anyway bye bye.

Monday, November 17, 2008
♥ 11/17/2008 08:57:00 PM

I tell you something that happened in the afternoon today.
I was walking to Bugis National Library when this uncle in pink stopped me and talked to me in CHINESE!
What?! Chinese!!!
And anyway I think he's from China so he was blabbling on about some stuff in an accent which I can barely make out the words.
Then he said something about don't know what 五观完美 and then he started telling me some stuff like:
1) 你的脾气暴躁. (Okay I do admit that I'm very impulsive and impatient :D)

2) 你本身聪明, 但读书不聪明. (I really don't mean to sound very proud here but, surely 3.6 GPA is not that bad isn't it? D: Is his 聪明 like GPA of 4?)

3) 这两三年来, 你所办的事总是不顺利. (Nope. In fact ever since I've stepped into Y-Hope my life has been changed for the better:D)

4) 你的口才不好, 所以不喜欢拍马屁. (Hahahahahahaha I don't like to 拍马屁?! My friends can answer to that :D)

He really sounded like some fortune teller trying to tell me about my life and my character. Maybe it was face reading?
I don't know.
But it's kinda not very accurate luh.
But throughout all his talking I was just nodding my head haha I don't know why either.
Maybe cos I don't know how to use proper Chinese to express what I wanted to say.
So I asked, "你是算命师吗?"
Then he asked if I wanted to have my fortune told.
So I said, "对不起, 我赶时间."
Then he said something about me being 可观 and don't know what.
Aiyah I'm not into all these superstitious stuff so yeah hahahaha.

anyway hor I really feel like laughing at my juniors who tio-ed the homecoming dance thing.
cos they have to dance with scouts!!!
I bet they'll feel so embarrassed.
hahahaha okay luh I shall not be such a mean senior to laugh at them on Homecoming Day.
I shall support them(:
Whoo jiayous juniors I can't wait to see you guys dance!!!!! ♥♥♥

Sunday, November 16, 2008
♥ 11/16/2008 10:14:00 PM


1) The person who tagged you is?

2)Your relationship with him/her is?
Sister in Christ.

3)Your 5 impressions of him/her is?
- Hardworking
- Musically-inclined(very)
- Talkative
- Goal-driven
- A lot of determination

4)The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
To open to me about her feelings and everything.

5)The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?
God will never make us the tail.

6)If he/she become your lover, you will?
Be stressed. OMG she is a music talent okay?!

7)If he/she become your lover, the thing he/she has to improve on will be?
Sadism. I mean a little less haha.

8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
I can't imagine my sister of Christ becoming my enemy(:

9)There is no spoon question.

10) What you want to tell him/her now is?
Thank you for tagging me for the quiz cos I haven't done quizzes in a long long time :D

11) Your overall impression of him/her is?

12) How do you think people around you feel about you?
How do I know? ask them :D

13) The characteristics you love of yourself are?
I don't know. I just love myself for who I am.

14) On the contrary, characteristics you hate of yourself are?
High on the reactivity series.

15) The most ideal person you want to be is?
A biblical woman.

16) For people that care and like you, say something to them.
I care and like you too :D

17) Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you
1. Tabitha
2. Xin Tian
3. Swee Yee
4. Claire
5. Nicholas
6. Michelle (Ho)
7. Sherlyn
8. Zi Ying
9. Sheena
10. Ruo Ting
Some people whose blogs ain't dead yet haha.

18) Who is No. 6 having a relationship with? (Michelle)
Hmmmmm :D

19) Is No. 9 a male or female? (Sheena)
None of the above. Okay fine female :D

20) If No. 7 and No. 10 are together, will it be a good thing? (Sherlyn & Ruo Ting)
Hmmm interesting.

21) What is No. 2 studying? (Xin Tian)
Triple Science + History + E Maths + A Maths + LA + HCL + Horny.

22) When was the last time you had a chat with No. 3? (Swee Yee)
Yesterday? When she wanted to claim money for shorts T.T

23) What kind of music band does No. 8 like? (Zi Ying)
Alot!!!! Almost about the same kinds that I like(:

24) Does No. 1 have any siblings? (Tabitha)

25) Will you woo No. 3? (Swee Yee)
hahahahaha interesting.

26) How about No. 7? (Sherlyn)
hahahahaha even more interesting.

27) Is No. 4 single? (Claire)
Hmmmm. oKay. I thinK so. hahahaha :D

28) What is the surname of No. 5? (Nicholas)

29) What are the hobbies of No. 10? (Ruo Ting)
Hmmm I don't know. But she looks like the type who reads(:

30) Do No. 5 and No. 9 get along well? (Nicholas & Sheena)
Yup. In fact very well :D

31) Where is No. 2 studying at? (Xin Tian)
3L '09 Dunman High School Singapore.

32) Say something about No. 1. (Tabitha)
She's like my twin.

33) Have you tried developing feelings for No. 8? (Zi Ying)
Hmmm interesting...Maybe I would try if you made me a guy now. hahahaha joking joking ;D

34) Where does No. 9 live? (Sheena)
Pasir Ris.

35) What colour does No. 4 like? (Claire)
BlacK. haha :D

36) Are No. 1 and No. 5 best friends? (Tabitha & Nicholas)
They don't know each other personally O.o

37) Does No. 1 have any pets? (Tabitha)
Hmm no.

38) Is No. 7 the sexiest person in the world? (Sherlyn)
That is for her to answer :D

39) What is No. 10 doing now? (Ruo Ting)
I really don't know haha.

Haha just some random stuff so that I can relax a little.
Bye! ;D

Thursday, November 13, 2008
♥ 11/13/2008 09:13:00 PM

Hi I'm feeling the aftermaths of ATC now.
My stomach muscles ache such that when I sneeze I can't sneeze properly O.o
Oooo but I can see abit of 4-packs seperation now.
LOL LOL LOL hahahahaha.
My hand muscles ache too.
Leg muscles abit.
Anyway I went running 2.4km today with my caregroup.

And today I went blog-stalking all my new classmates who have blogs.
Read their posts on class posting results.
Different emotions.
Some are unhappy cos they didn't get into the same class as the people they wanted while their other friends got it. (Like Crystabelle and Tammy in 3G T.T)
Some are happy with the combi but think that 3J is a hardcore-mugger class. (I agree!!! Just look at the people inside except me T.T)
Some are unhappy cos someone they don't like is inside. (Like me and Sally O.o heh joking luh I love you my only patrolmate!!!! *pukes for 1 hour* :D)
Some are happy cos at least someone they know is inside. (Like my case!)
Some people are unhappy with the combi cos they opted for something else but got into this combi.
All different luh.
I can't even categorise mine specifically into any of them LOL.

Anyway I have Guides tomorrow.
Clean-up session for ATC.
ATC really left me with alot of memories.
Memories of p4 sec1s pia-ing even though they know it's tough and hence have no energy to cheer.
That was one of the stuff that made me cry during the first aid checkpoint in OJ.
When they told me 'I can't already', and yet continued pia-ing.
Memories of p4 sec2s supporting one another and managing the sec1s together.
When they went like 'It's okay' when sec1s offered to help, even though the look on their face tells us they're gonna drop the things soon, just so as not having to trouble one another.
Memories of p4 councillors encouraging and spurring us on and not comparing us with other patrols even though p4 didn't get the top 3 patrols.
When they gave us alot of tips and advice while we were doing our stuff.
Memories of everyone pia-ing together and the joyful faces of everyone when we broke camp.

Because we know that we had survived ATC 08.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
♥ 11/12/2008 08:17:00 PM

Welcome back Cherisse!

I'm back from ATC!
It was fun seriously!
Here are some highlights(:

First day
-Camp development:
Tied kitchen shelter, kitchen dresser, shoe rack, baggage rack, clothesline and pitched our own tents!
And you know what our patrol had 9 out of 13 people present.
But it's okay :D
Less people to do work but easier to manage anyway(:

-Night PT:
It's an OJ kind of PT, which was quite fun even though some stations were tough.
But it warmed us up.

-Night games:
My favourite activity!!!!
Night games rocked and we guess the murderer correctly whoo! :D
But abit scary when the sec3s suddenly go very close and whisper.
And when trying to kup people.
Cos I was in front.

Second day
Was PL for inspection and I was so anxious.
Somehow the whole layout thing was screwed and we weren't standardised as a company.
So I was kinda surprised when p4 got 2nd for inspection.
Cos we looked at our layout and felt we were lagging behind other patrols in terms of laying things out neatly.
But yeah of course I have much room for improvement in firmness and clarity.

-Fun Games:
Fun games was really fun! :D
And the best thing is that I can eat apple!
Me loves apple :D

-Outdoor cooking:
We were kinda slow as compared to the other patrols so we just chiong-ed through everything.
And you know we had oreo?
And it's 黑白配 you know!
plus marshmallows underneath.
And the sec3s sandwich is very cute :D
And the food was delicious despite it being outdoor cooking and not home cooking where there is a nice stove and everything.

Was PL for first aid and orienteering station.
I know I kinda scared some people when I cried after first aid station.
It's not what you think haha(:
It's alot of stuff put together that's why.
But I'm okay thanks for your concern anyway(:
But overall OJ was cool ;D

I sabo-ed Claire for maboleh competition hahaha!
Campfire was really great even though my voice was kinda gonna break.
But it was still enjoyable being songleaders :D

Third day
-Camp ends-
But anyway lunch was super funny.
I was emphasising the 'K' sound in every word which had that sound to Claire.
Then after that Junyi got influenced.
hahahaha :D
Personal joke ~.~
P4 got 4th!
We didn't get last!
LOL I thought we were cos I was kinda looking at the scoreboard before the marks had been added up.
And we did the sin sin cos-in sin cheer.

Thankyou P4 councillors for always giving us advice and helping us, and for encouraging us to spur us on.
Thankyou P4 sec1s for helping us sec2s do stuff and responding to us when we ask questions.
Thankyou P4 sec2s for supporting one another and for all the secretsssssss!!!! hahahahahaha :D
Thankyou Guiders and seniors for planning this ATC 08!

And you know throughout the camp I totally forgot about the class posting results and my anxiety,
Until Junyi reminded us during Health patrol toilet cleaning o.O
Then Claire and I just freaked out and got all anxious again.

Results of my class posting...
That was what I was kinda thinking before the results were out.
Maybe about a few weeks ago.
And I was thinking maybe I'd get into 3J.
I don't know why.
But I did!

My new classmates (assuming no one appeals out)
2A Grace
2B Isabel
2B Shanisca
2D Sabrina
2E Shu Qi
2F Annabel
2F Jia Yi
2F Wen Yi (M18!)
2G Geraldine
2G Sherly (ATC '07 P5 Mooth!)
2G Sitong (M18!)
2H Joanne (J2.33!)
2H Xiaowen
2J Mingwei
2J Aileen
2J Clara (Guides P2 Orchid last time!)
2J Janet
2J Kimberly
2J Junyi (ATC '08 P4 BMW!)
2J Sally (Guides P6 Ixora!)
2J Shihui
2J Wenting
2J Mark
2K Sing Rue (Kezo <3)
2K Sylvia (Kezo <3)
2K Lynette (Kezo <3)
2K Sheena (Kezo <3)
2K Nicole (Kezo <3)
2K ME! :D (Kezo <3)
2L Hongwen
PRC Yilian
PRC Xiaoqi
PRC Li Yan
PRC Yiqiu
PRC Zijun
PRC Yifeng

Hello to the 36 people in 3J!
A big class and I'm not very used to it cos I've been in a small class for 2 years.
But who cares? :D
And once again,
Girls own hands-down!
31 girls 5 boys!
3L better.
I think only got 1 or 2 guys haha not funny -.-

Claire don't cry already.
Can appeal de(:
It's like just so close.
Can can :D

People coming to 3J for LA lessons:
2A Joanna
2A Sherlyn (Guides p5 Kingfisher!)
2B Yibei
2E Amanda (Cheah)
2E Amanda (Cheng)
2E Xin Tian (Guides P5 Kingfisher!)
2E Swee Yee (Guides P7 Oriole)
2F Amanda
2F Jia Hui
2G Natalie
2H Lingyi
2H Jia Ling (J2.33!)
2J Limin
2K Shu Jun (Kezo ♥)
2K Weixin (Kezo ♥ and Guides P3 Sparrow)

I think during LA 3J abit flooded with Guides luh haha.
All the 4 Guides mentioned above plus Sherly and I.
6! :D

I know I appear very happy about 3J and everything but heyyyyyy,
Mixed feelings.
I don't know luh.
I don't know what the future holds for me.
I don't know whether I'll be happy in 3J.
I don't want to be Year 3.

"After sec2 ATC you will worry for PLTC"
"I can't believe next year we'll be the ones organising ATC"
-Some sec2 seniors last year said that after ATC 07-
And I can't believe I'm saying this right now.
And to my own juniors.

Sorry sorry abit off topic ah.
Then my class abit go alot of PRCs then my Chinese abit not very good luh.
Angmoh accent.
I want go same class as Crystabelle.
Crystabelle's class is so cool can?
Got her and Tammy.
Stupid Crystabelle luh go 3G for what D:

I'm not prepared for Year 3 you know.
I tell you ah I'm still thinking I'm in 2K instead of 3J.
Watch what I write on the first few days of school on my worksheet.
I'd be like 3K 3K 3K.
Cos I'm used to writing 'K'.
I neeeeeeeeed to adapt to changes.
And I shall learn to love 3J :D

Adaptations list (personally crafted for Cherisse):
- 36 people in the class instead of 25
- got PRCs and my chinese is horrible so I'll just be prepared make a fool out of myself yay
- 'J' instead of 'K'
- Different campus
- Different people (ah duh)
- Different classroom (ah duh)
- Different teachers (ah duh)
- No more clique 6
- A class of hard core muggers and brainy tomato juices while I'm the only one who goes 'Huh?' when the teacher teaches something.
- A class of imba sports people who are made by the PE teacher to crowd around and stare at me while I make a fool out of myself doing those stupid NAPFA stuff. Cos I'm most probably register no.1 sobs
- Having your irritating and spastic and ONLY sec2 patrolmate in the same class as you (oops :D)

aiyah still got alot luh.
Anyway bye bye let me emo myself to sleep.
(Especially over the last point)
I know she won't read this so yay :D
I dare you to prove me wrong mann :D
Once again hello 3J my new classmates(:

Sunday, November 09, 2008
♥ 11/09/2008 11:12:00 AM

This is not good.
This is not good.
Not good at all.

I'm leaving for ATC from 10-12 Nov.
That is like tomorrow O.o

And I haven't gotten my admin stuff and report book and all those stuff which I was supposed to get on the last day of school.
Okay the admin stuff are with my friends so that's okay.
But my report is with my form teacher and 'Hello Hello there's no one on the other line'.
Great I can't contact my form teacher.

And after being so tired after ATC.
I have to face the shock of my new class posting.
God please help me.
I want a class that I like.
I want to be able to really find best friends there.
Best friends who stick with you through ups and downs.
Like in Kezo.
And I want at least a close friend from Guides there.
But that possibility seems only to be with Crystabelle.
Cos so far from Guides she's the only other one taking trip sci geog.
But our GPA aint the same :(
Please I hope that I don't cry when I see my class posting.
I wanna be rejoicing when I see it, not emo-ing.

Will a kind sec2 soul please help me check for my class posting results and sms me after doing so?
All the better if you are in my new class haha :D
Cos I'd still be in camp until 4+ and I don't want any suspense :D

thanks alot ;D

Friday, November 07, 2008
♥ 11/07/2008 08:56:00 PM

Orders from the princess Xin Tian for me to blog.
So I shall blog.
Haha sorry lah! (says it in a Cherissey kind of tone)
I've been really busy with camp prep and everything so haha no time to blog.
Anyway inspection was kinda okay.
P4 was very cooperative good job! ;D
So cool.
Even though there was a point in time during inspection when only 7 people were left cos 4 people fell out and 3 were absent.
But yet p4 never gave up pia-ing!
Hope you guys are feeling better(:
Don't push too hard kay ;D
I've learnt my lesson for pushing myself too hard haha.
Jiayous for ATC everybody! ♥
We'll pia together as a company! ;D

Anyway today I heard something very shocking.
And I think it's totally ridiculous luh.
Probably it's -99.9% true.
read it carefully.
It's -99.9% not 99.9%
I mean I really don't believe it luh.
Seems so impossible to be true.
And I don't tell you what it is.

Anyway after inspection Claire, Michelle and I were crapping in the tuanbu while packing and labelling stuff.
With Junyi next to us listening and tolerating all our crap.
It's seriously ALL CRAP.
haha so if you all happened to hear anything from what we said, yup it's really all crap(:
None of what we have said is genuine so don't get suspicious yeah :D
And if those people whom we mentioned in all our crapping heard what we were saying, don't worry, WE DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU ;D
haha p4 BMW is so funny.
the funniest was when claire said michelle named p4 BMW after *ahem*, them michelle said why never call p4 *ahem (another one) *.
And there were people in the tuanbu -.-
But yeah really it's all crap haha ;D

Sunday, November 02, 2008
♥ 11/02/2008 02:21:00 PM


I'm backkkkkkk!!!!!!
Feels like home again.

My tagboard is
Oh no!!!!!
Wt and amanda watch out I'm gonna get you! :D
Okay since my tagboard has been flooded by two very strong tsunami waves I shall reply tags HERE!
Starting from the oldest tag.

msn buddy ;D ze: thanks thanks! yeah I did enjoy it haha :D
amanda: haiyo amanda. Did you know that 'annointing flows'? Senior cute means junior cute, senior not cute means junior not cute ;D Yeah now I know why I'm not cute, cos you not cute mah, that's why it all goes back to me being your senior :D too bad hahahaha! Yes I do have a hard time replying to all your tags! >=[
wt: Haiyah, as I said I'm not cute cos I know that 'annointing flows' and my shepherd is not cute mah, she is gorgeous! :D Me quiet? hahaha! Okay luh I'm quiet sometimes. Switch sides?! You know why? Cos you are a transition element and you can't make up your mind. LOL you want romantic guys? I help you find ;D perhaps my new class might have some and I can introduce them to you!
chunyen: As I said before, 'annointing flows'! I'm jealous that's why you are jealous too! haiiiiiizzz ;D
Cherylmine ♥: Yeah I had fun! Love ya too! :D
ziying: haha maybe wt thinks to much bah(:

Okay I did have a hard time replying -.-
But I'm done.
Anyways pictures up really soon.
CCA for the whole of next week.
Jiayou for ATC prep for Guides!
And jiayou to all CCAs out there too!

It just seems like a blink of an eye.
Kezo is now part of history.
Our names have just been entered into a time capsule.
Kezo 2007-2008.
Who knows what the future holds for us in 2009.
Will we get into a class that we like?
One that contains the same warmth?
So now I wanna dedicate this song to all Kezo peeps.

My Wish - Rascal Flatts (Comes together with explanation of how relevant it is... in red)
I hope that days come easy and moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go, (that happy moments will pass slowly and everyday life in school won't be so sian and that you'll have lots of opportunities to grow in your interests)

And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you. (don't regret your subject comb choice in sec3)

And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window, (sometimes we might not understand the stuff that teachers teach, but I hope you'll never give up and eventually see the light)

If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile, (encourage others the way you have done to me)
More than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
To your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more then you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, (this whole paragraph no need explanation hor :D)

and wants the same things too, (not very relevant haha)

Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but you never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left, (always remember Kezo and the times we have spent together)

I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more then you take. (to your new classmates, also don't need explanation hor :D)

More than anything, more than anything,


The song is really very nice.
omg I feel so (put in a suitable phrase here) everytime I hear that song luh.
Will miss you guys alot alot alot.
Even though I have a high possibility of getting into the same class as some of you.

Enough of emo stuff.
Don't make me start crying...

3 new members for EB2!!!!!!!
God blessed truly!
Elaine, Veronica and and and and and and and SIYAO!!!
her story is really really miraculous.
God has really moved so much in her.
And I feel so encouraged that all these while follow-upping and EB2's prayers did not go down the drain.
Her strong desire and faith is really more than enough to move the Himalayas mountains mann :D

And as for the East D.
God blessed truly!
From just Min Jie alone, it has now grown to 5 people!
In just 2 weeks we have seen 4 more additions.
And 2 of them are sec2s!
Marcus and Wei Teck!

In total we have seen 7 new members in 2 weeks!!!!!
Welcome to Y-Hope!


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