Thursday, April 30, 2009
♥ 4/30/2009 09:12:00 PM
I really wanna thank EVERYONE who wished all the best for PLTC!!!!!
It's tomorrow omg.
What I can't believe it???!!!
It's actually tomorrow???
It's really fast.
Well I've got nothing else to say.
At least I've chionged all the homework that's due next monday yay :D
actually there's only maths.
But I feel a sense of satisfaction :D
Can go to pltc with ease and without distractions lol.
Let's jiayous!!!!! :D
We can do it!
We will survive!
I've written my personal goals for pltc on pre camp day.
But today as THE DAY draws nearer, I've got one more to add.
Be the sunshine of p1 ION(:
Cheer my patrolmates on and encourage them.
Remove all dark clouds that surface.
Be like a 大姐 to them. (O.o sounds kinda wrong lol)
Positive outlook okay, Cherisse :D
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
♥ 4/29/2009 08:44:00 PM
These few days are like chiong days.
Chiong this chiong that.
But these are the days that we'll remember.
pltc is like driving alot of people mad.
Just go check out their blogs, personal messages etc.
Jiayous to everybody!
Anyway I just wanna say that I have such nice juniors and seniors!
This week, I've gotten a postcard and a file with my name nicely decorated on it :D
And from my juniors, I got an A4 sized card :D
I was so so so touched that I cried oops :X
But I didn't do it in front of them :D
Sunday, April 26, 2009
♥ 4/26/2009 08:49:00 AM
Had napfa on wednesday.
Quite okay.
I did alot of wavey pull ups which are obviously not standard.
but yay still counted! :D
So far got 4 As 1 B.
B is obviously SBJ.
I can never get an A for SBJ in all my 7 years of napfa.
Hope I'll get above C for 2.4K, then can get Gold! :D
Yesterday was pre camp.
First thing in the morning we got to know our patrols.
Guess what.
I'm in P1 again!!! :D
With Charmaine, Jiamin, Michelle, Samantha, Beng Haun, Wei Chia.
Stephanie and Jun Yang as our course leaders.
5 of us from coj p1 FTW.
3 of us from ATC 08 p4 BMW.
We're called P1 Ion(:
And cos according to the storyline, every patrol has a 'god of something', so we have the god of intelligence.
Suddenly after pre camp, I just feel so enthu and excited for pltc.
A few weeks ago I was dreading it lol.
Well maybe because now I know my patrol?
The other patrols are p2 ninja, p3 big tree, p4 ponyo, p5 okto!
hahaha such cool names we have :D
Anyway hope this week of camp prep will be done efficiently! :D
yay jiayous everybody!
P1 ftw might have gotten last for coj.
now there are 5 people from p1 ftw in p1 ion.
Now, now, I know what you're thinking.
But in my opinion, that doesn't signify anything(:
Cos we are a team.
Teamwork is why a team succeeds.
And success doesn't mean getting first.
It just means giving our best shot.
I believe that we are a patrol that can work very well together.
We will be super bonded.
Because we are ions.
We are bonded to one another through ionic bonding :D
We have high boiling and melting points.
Cos we have strong electrostatic force of attraction bonding us. (lol that sounds abit wrong.)
For those who have extras, we give our extras to the patrolmates who need it.
Not share the extras.
GIVE it fully :D
and then all of us will gain the octet configuration.
Wave to the Cherisse ion, element symbol Cc.
Cc has a variety of valencies.
LOL sorry that was lame.
Anyway in my opinion.
Anyone can be a leader, but EVERYONE can be a team(:
"Second last jihe that we'll be organising" ):
If only time could stand still.
I know some seniors read my blog from time to time, so if you happen to be here right now, I really want to thank you all for being inspirations.
I still remember last year when I was a duty guide for pltc 08, I saw all of you pia-ing your hearts out and I was really moved by your perseverance.
Even though I didn't know every single one very well.
I began to see a different side to all of you.
One I couldn't notice much about in jihes cos we're in different patrols.
That's when I promised myself that I'll be like that when my turn for pltc comes.
And I'm absolutely sure this is what the others promised too.
Ovidia and Xin Yi showed me what strong meant the previous year when they had to leave p6.
Kimberley showed me what strong meant last year when she had to leave p6.
They chose not to cry in front of us, they didn't want to make the rest of us sad, but I know deep down they'll miss p6 cos I know they love p6 too(:
I don't think I'd be able to control my emotions that well, I will cry if I ever have to leave p6):
I don't want me or sally to leave p6.
If I had a choice.
crying for the sec4s is sad enough, leaving p6 is double the sadness):
My funny sec2s remind me of myself as a junior.
In some aspects, like giving the blur look at times and asking questions that are sometimes weird.
But I can't say that I remind zhenling or pearlyn or kimberley of themselves as juniors.
Juniors to Jiawen, Jia Jia, Ovidia, Xin Yin, Jean, Wendy.
I wished I had appreciated you all more when you were sec2s.
Rather than just seeing you as 'another senior'.
but if-onlys are too late.
never knew this day would dawn upon so soon ):
thanks for everything, everything, everything you've done as sec2s, sec3s, and sec4s.
&5moredaystopltc(I can't blame you for not understanding why we are counting down to pltc)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
♥ 4/23/2009 09:00:00 PM
These few weeks I've been hearing alot of inspirational talks and presentations.
Well thank PC for that.
Little quotes and phrases I get from there just can't get out of my mind.
It seems to have been drilled in ever since I've heard or seen them.
On criticism from others.
When someone points out your mistakes, it shows that they still notice what you're doing, and that they see your capabilities in doing much better, thus wanting to help you improve.
However, when people have stopped pointing out your mistakes, it doesn't mean that you have reached the highest level of perfection, it just means that they have stopped taking notice of what you're doing, and have totally given up on you, and think that you're incorrigible.
Criticism hurts, but it is a sign of others seeing hope and potential in you.
See what you can do about it and how you can go about improving.
So, it is better to be given very very bitter medicine than to be given none at all.
Eat it and it'll make you better.
Criticism is vital for improvement. (thesis statement)
So during yesterday's PC lesson, we were given some paper to write notes to people to thank them for stuff.
Appreciate the people who've made a difference in my life in one way or another.
Mann, there are MANY.
I don't know why I just can't express my gratitude to someone by writing what I wanna say in a note lol.
It's like when I face a blank piece of paper, or even one that's nicely decorated, and I want to write a letter to someone, I would just end up not writing all that I wanted to say.
Thus my letters would always include this sentence: "I've got alot to say to you but I don't know how to say it here."
So far I've passed 3 notes already.
I hope to be able to get a chance to affirm these 3 people face to face :D
There are many more people whom I want to affirm face to face.
I'll get a
packet box mountain of tissue ready :D
Before I forget, I want to thank this person.
I don't think I can ever get to thank this person face to face so that's why I'm writing it here.
Don't think you'd read it but who cares, I have to thank everyone who MADE A DIFFERENCE to my life.
don't say I didn't :D
"Thank you for making a difference to my life by opening my eyes to the world and how (insert suitable adjective) some people can get. And for showing me how not to trust just anyone. By the way, I don't feel how you think I feel, and I am not who you think I am. Anyway just wanna give you a word of advice. You get nowhere by wallowing in self-pity. You're now a (insert suitable word), good luck for your life and hope you won't screw up after (insert suitable phrase) :D"
wow how abstract.
anyway I just realised it's less than 2 days to pre camp!
Today's almost gone so you can't really count it as 1 day.
Awaiting pltc groupings is like going on a blind group date. (not that I want to date tocs -.-")
you don't know who will be in your group.
you don't know what they'll be like.
you don't know whether you'll get along well with them.
But whatever it is, just accept it.
There must definitely be a reason that you're in that group.
Cos it's not random.
Got back HCL and chem prac today.
So happy that I've finally gotten my first A for HCL in 2009 after waiting don't know how many zillion years! :D
it was right on the dot whoo!
Even though some people will think 14/25 for chem prac is ownagely low, I'm happy cos I didn't fail(:
considering the fact that I didn't turn touch the bunsen burner at all oops.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
♥ 4/22/2009 10:03:00 PM
row lunch rocked today!
so cool can?
We practically had one whole canteen table all to ourselves :D
we should have more of these!
Oh and we played murderer too!
3J is getting more fun now yay :D
I look forward to breaks in between lessons and recesses and lunch!
cos we can have row bonding sessions :D
3+6 moredaysonlydon't worry; it'll be okay; we'll go through it together(:
Monday, April 20, 2009
♥ 4/20/2009 09:56:00 PM
We're nearing to single digit.
Really soon.
Think about it.
Pre-camp is already this saturday.
Pre camp = pltc day 0.1
then the camp preps will be pltc day 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and etc lol.
Was sharing to sally about yesterday's blog post during recess today O.o
sharing to sheena too.
And both sally and I agreed that it seemed as if sec1 came and go just like that.
The feeling was like we didn't treasure every single day of our sec1 days.
Until the day we became sec2 seniors, then we started regretting why we didn't appreciate our sec1 life.
But sec1 was the period of time when we had the most memories that have accompanied us even to this date.
It wasn't until sec2 that we finally appreciated all that our seniors had done for us.
All the little things like letting us drink water from the water cooler first, changing places with us when we were facing the sun, etc.
When we own something something, we tend to neglect its existence until the day we lose it, or until the day when we know that we're going to lose it sooner or later ):
That's when we start treasuring it.
That's when we start trying our best to keep it in our possessions, although knowing it's too late, and that we're only deceiving ourselves from reality.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
♥ 4/19/2009 04:23:00 PM
I can't help but think about my sec1 days.
Seeing my juniors become seniors just reminds me of my first few jihes.
And what happened before that.
At the old campus.
I remembered when I first saw the CCA option results, I was thinking, "Guides?? Oh no! I hate the sun. Those big structures at CCA Orientation seemed so monstrous. And climbing across a rope? I can't do that, I'll never ever do that!"
Well at that time we had to put at least one UG as one of our choices mah.
Yeah so the paper stated that I had to report on that friday at the LT or something like that.
I actually wanted to go to some other CCA, but anyway I didn't try getting the application form cos I was too lazy.
And the next jihe, the sec1s were broken up into our patrols.
truth to be told, I didn't like my sec1 patrolmates at first.
AT FIRST.There was this girl with the weird laughter, this girl who never smiled, and this quiet girl.
Then I saw a familiar face in my new patrol.
She was the 2A girl whom I always saw a few classes away during morning assembly.
she was always standing at the front of her class.
I was register 2.
I was kind of intimidated by her when I first saw her at morning assembly, and throughout the whole time of patrol bonding, I didn't dare look at her.
But during outdoor cooking, I realised how friendly she was and began to not feel so intimidated.
That sec2 girl was Kimberley. (transferred to p7)
Back to my sec1 patrolmates.
The girl with the weird laughter, the girl who never smiled, and the quiet girl.
As time passed, we began to have pairs among ourselves.
The girl with the weird laughter stuck to the girl who never smiled. (Cos they were from the same class)
While I stuck to the quiet girl.
Well but overall the 4 of us did talk to one another.
By the second semester of 2007, the quiet girl had quit guides and joined softball.
To our shock.
So it was left with the girl with the weird laughter, the girl who never smiled and I.
By then, I was on quite good terms with the-girl-with-the-weird-laughter.
I remembered that we even exchanged one of our top secrets with each other in december.
However, I just couldn't click with the-girl-who-never-smiled.
Things just went on like that in 2008.
Until the day when the-girl-with-the-weird-laughter said that she wanted to transfer to VJC.
I wasn't quite comfortable with that.
"so I'm stuck with (the-girl-who-never-smiled)?"
obviously I didn't say it out loud.
okay so the-girl-with-the-weird-laughter transferred out.
and then it was just the 2 of us.
(the-girl-who-never-smiled) and I.
I never dreamt that life with her would be what it is now.
We got into the same sec3 class.
And now, we're like best friends. :D
So much has changed since sec1.
so much.
so much.
In sec1 I said that I would never want to climb across any rope, and now I actually like shengqiao!
In sec1 I said that I was intimidated by those big structures, and now I'm actually fascinated by them!
In sec1, I wanted to quit before I even went in, and now I'm actually going for pltc in 12 days!
Okay the identities of my 'sec1 patrolmates'.
the 'quiet girl' - Ai Wee (left in sec1)
the 'girl-with-the-weird-laughter' - Cheng Yee (left in sec2)
the 'girl who never smiled' - Sally (my current and only sec3 patrolmate!)
hahahaha what fun reminiscing my childish thoughts in sec1.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
♥ 4/18/2009 10:02:00 PM
And so it's less than 2 weeks left.
How time flies.
Cliche but this is it.
Anyway had hsk in the morning today.
some hcl proficiency test.
I was elated when I could finally get out of that examination room.
Like I finally had a sense of relief.
Sherly understands why(:
More to Life - Stacie OrricoI've got it all, but I feel so deprived,
I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside,
Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing.
And why can't I let it go?
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me.
Cause the more that I'm...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life.
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more.
(Than wanting more)
I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly
Here in this moment I'm half way out the door.
Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing.
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me,
Cause the more that I'm...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life.
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more
I'm wanting more! (Ohhh! Yeah!)
I'm always waiting on something other than this
Why'm I feelin' like there's something I missed?
There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me.
Cause the more that I'm... (More that I'm)
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure
there's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm...
Tripping out thinking there must be more to life.
Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more to life.
More to, more to, more to life.
(There's gotta be more to life) More to, more to, more to life.
There's gotta be more
More to life
There is definitely more to life than chasing after goals and goals and more goals.
Goals that are too much.
Set realistic goals.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
♥ 4/16/2009 09:21:00 PM
The more you worry, the less you get what you want.
The less you worry, the more you get what you want.
This is proven in many life examples.
Too many to state lol.
Anyway today geog lesson was different.
In fact it was so different that everyone in 3J were still discussing about it long after Geog.
We were doing a role play kind of thing.
Imagine that we were married to the person sitting next to us.
And we looked around and realised that the only 'normal' male-female 'couple' was kimberly and mark.
The rest of us were of same gender lol.
Yeah so anyway we were supposed to think about how we would react to those questions posed.
E.g. how many children we wanted to have, what our priorities would be, etc.
This geog lesson not only allowed me to put myself into the shoes of married couples, it actually made me think about my future.
And I thought about adopting kids instead of giving birth, in the future.
Yeah I know, I know.
Birth rate decreasing blahblahblah.
But at least 1 or 2 more orphans would be given a proper home.
Why create more kids when there are kids out there who really need a family?
I'm sure they'd really yearn for the love of a parent(:
And on top of that, I get to keep my virginity :D
(I sound so xiaoniangre-ish -.-)
I told all these to sheena and sally and they all just went O.o at me.
I must be more outspoken.
I'm trying really hard in class discussions.
I'm plucking up my courage to speak up bit by bit.
bit by bit.
bit by bit.
It's not easy, given my 'chill' character, but I'm trying.
I'm improving kay :D
Improving from sec1 and sec2 when my mouth was practically shut throughout the lessons of the year unless it was group discussions.
Keep it up! :D
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
♥ 4/15/2009 10:12:00 PM
Had chem practical today.
Epic failure.
I only have confidence in one answer which is copper(II) carbonate cos the greenish solid just looks like that.
did that copper(II) carbonate test in sec2 mah.
And I happened to see it on google images :D
well at least I've got one answer correct yay.
My answers for the gas is obviously wrong luh but who cares.
People like me just have no common sense to answers.
Contingent training today was different.
We were brought to this cool place outside Performing Arts Centre.
Just opened recently.
Bio test tomorrow.
And HCL paper 2.
Haven't memorised chengyu for Friday yet lol.
Everyone is memorising or has already memorised -.-
my sheep says that I should smile more lol.
But I'm not the cute cute sherly type whattttttt :D
In fact I hate to give people a cute image of myself.
Cos when I do it, it looks so fake-ish.
I can't smile unless under circumstances which make me laugh.
Or under circumstances when I'm nervous.
My character is just not the smiley type luh.
I'm the 'chill' type.
Just like my junior zishan who additionally on top of that claims that she's cool O.o
Sunday, April 12, 2009
♥ 4/12/2009 09:03:00 PM
Today I heard the most shocking news ever.
In Year 1, I never dreamt that it would happen.
In Year 2, I was all the more convinced that this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
And now -.-
Well of course I acted normal when I heard it duh.
Not like it concerns me anyway.
But it did shock me.
Cos seriously I really didn't expect that.
Tell me that in year 1 or 2, I would have thought it was the biggest joke of the century.
Now not so much.
But it is still shocking.
Don't know why others don't feel that way O.o
Anyway, week 4 is a hiong week again.
Thank God pltc is not in week 4.
If not I would seriously die ._.
Just look at my test schedule this week.
Tues - Jap L30 quiz and Revision quiz 6
Wed - Chem prac test
Thurs - Bio, Geog, HCL CTs
Fri - Chengyu test
Jiayous to Claire the contingent commander!!!!first contingent training tomorrow(:
We'll listen to you dear!
But we might have lag timing after every command.
Cos you've got your sexy voice that will stun us for a second or so.
And make all our hearts melt in awe.
And your XXX will be hearing you shout commands woots :D
and fall in love with your sexy voice!
most importantly, fall in love with you!
haha jiayous jiayous you can do it!
And we have hit the big 1.&19moredaysonly
Saturday, April 11, 2009
♥ 4/11/2009 10:34:00 PM
You know what.
I gotta admit something.
Actually I haven't decided.
I was lying about saying that I have decided and all.
Sorry, A. ):
Sorry, blog. ):
But I will soon.
♥ 4/11/2009 02:51:00 PM

Why are you screaming?

Shadows may lurk, but fear none.

See, they are just the shadows of 2 innocent girls -.-


when you stand on higher ground and look down upon the world, you feel so mighty and powerful.
but you fail to notice the vast sky looking down upon you.
- inspired by 'blue sky', a Singapore short film from youtube.
♥ 4/11/2009 01:26:00 PM
The photo essay for HCL lol.
Can't believe I'm done with it.
I used this picture.
Shall translate the compo into English lol.
not direct translation.

The sun was scorching hot, the glare of the rays blurred my vision as I walked on and on.
My gaze zoomed in on a cottage seated on top of a hill.
My heart cried out, "I'm nearly there! It's just a stone's throw away!"
I dragged myself to the foot of the hill, yet what was in front of me was a flight of never ending stairs.
It felt as if this flight of stairs was a connection between heaven and earth; a hundred years would be insufficient for me to even get to the halfway point.
I stood there panting, not knowing whether or not to move on, but when I was reminded of the heavenly honey that could be found in that cottage, I had a sudden burst of adrenalin to climb up the stairs.
In life, this flight of stairs is like the obstacle we face when trying to reach our goal.
Whenever we meet with a problem, we usually focus on the problem itself, instead of trying to counter it.
Whenever we meet with a 'flight of stairs' in our life, we usually think about how long that 'flight of stairs' is, instead of attempting to climb up to get to our destination.
When climbing that 'flight of stairs', some of us only set our eyes on how menacing the remaining steps in front of us seem, that's why we don't feel like climbing up anymore, and we just want to give it all up.
The more optimistic people will not only look at what is in front of them, but also turn back to see how much they have accomplished, and what a waste it would be if they gave up just like that.
Their motivation comes from the 'cottage' at their destination.
After climbing up that long flight of stairs for about half an hour or so, I finally made my way to the top.
My face was as red as a ripe tomato, my sweat trickled down the side of my cheeks like little seeds, yet my heart felt so much sweeter than the honey I had just drank in the cottage.
I had to climb up that flight of stairs to get to the cottage.
In life, we have to overcome obstacles before we can experience the sweet satisfaction of reaching our goal.
It is your choice whether or not to complete all the 'flights of stairs' you face in your lifetime.
I am enlightened after writing all these which I thought were pure, total crap.
Friday, April 10, 2009
♥ 4/10/2009 10:38:00 PM
The new ez-link system sucks.
I have 70 cents in my card and they won't let me get through.
They want me top up on the spot.
and due to that I have owed people lots of money.
5 bucks to Amanda.
5 bucks to Sharmaine.
8 bucks to Yiting.
18 bucks in total oh my goodness!!!!!
I was allowed to have at most negative 45 cents before.
but now.
not even 50 cents satisfies.
My new ambition is to become the chairman of the ez-link authorities, or whatever association you call that.
I shall allow ez-link cards to have negatives until $5!!!!
So of course people have enough time to be reminded to top up their cards.
oh actually what do you think would happen if I took over NOW?
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example......"
- 1 Timothy 4:12 -I may be young, but one day I will become chairman of ez-link authorities, or whatever association you call that.
Keep dreaming&21moredaysonly
Thursday, April 09, 2009
♥ 4/09/2009 08:47:00 PM
Part 3 of pltc motivational prep course.
No patrol is screwed.
No patrol will be screwed.
If you think that there will be a screwed patrol, then there will be.
If you think there won't be one, then there isn't.
We shall not listen to others' perspective of a 'screwed' patrol, cos there's no such thing as a screwed patrol :D
(to the tune of bob the builder)
Sec3s 09,
Can we do it?
Sec3s 09,
Yes we can!
P1 and p2, 3 and 4,
P5 and p6, 7, 8
We are so cool and so imba too!
We will survive and we'll make it through!
anyway funny things happened during sports meet today.
Sat with the guides at the back of the grandstand of bedok stadium!
We were so so so high! :D
okay funny thing #1:
charmaine: *twists bottom of clapper* this is (potassium's real name) and this is you.
weixin: wlao charmaine! *turns to the rest of us* what do you mean by "this is (potassium's real name) and this is me?"
-weixin said it very loudly and tammy and I laughed laughed laughed!!!!
Cherisse: look behind us!
weixin: oh shit!
but thank goodness nobody else heard us.
or else weixin would be in deep trouble.
and then sherly ahhhhh!!!
when XXX was standing near, she gave me THAT eye.
I'm innocent kay :D
oh then after that we went to simei to shop for xintian's and yiting's and michelle's FBTs.
they're gonna wear it to school so that they can flash them :D
(people, don't start drooling, they're already taken okay!)
then after dinner, nicholette, tammy and I went to pet safari.
And we saw a really sweet puppy couple!
Actually they're siblings luh but who cares.
Then we were saying they resembled michelle and _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
in terms of behaviour, character and size.
and we were 'talking' to the dogs using the two names stated above lol.
hahahahahaha so funny! :D
kay that's all for now.
I think that gas relit my glowing splint.&22moredays (oh no 2 more days to big 1)
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
♥ 4/08/2009 09:48:00 PM
Sports meet tomorrow!
Jiayous athletes!!!(:
Anyway Yiting has changed lyrics of a guides song to lyrics about pltc.
Xin Tian too.
And now I have changed a song too haha.
(To the tune of 3 little ducks)
25 sec3 guides I see,
All of us chionging for PLTC.
We're cool and seh and horny too,
PLTC, we'll own you!
OJ, PT, many more.
Cheering, pia-ing more and more.
We're the coolest kids you ever knew,
PLTC, we'll own you!
sounds like a patrol cheer lol.
haha see this is what boredom in class does to me.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
♥ 4/07/2009 08:50:00 PM
Happy birthday Xin Tian!!!!

Remember that mugging session we had together not long ago?
really wanna thank you so much for being such a great support in my life(:
allying patrols!
although you keep taking sally away from me ):
let me remind you.
sally's mine!!!!!! :D
steal her at your own risk.
jiayous for pltc kay!
don't stress yeah(:
eh and stop trying to seduce my patrolmate and I hor!
beware, I know how to do 鹰爪功, 蛇功 and many many more! :D
haha happy birthday and treasure the last 3 hours of your birthday!
oh btw a well wishes board for each type of CCA has been set up in the canteen.
One for UGs!
and guess what.
Guides have spammed them yay we own! :D
I looked at my pm.
the start of my pm says "<24daysonly?!".
24 days.
equivalent to about 3 weeks plus.
It's less than a month O.o
I just realised how fast time had flown.
It seemed as if we had just started counting down.
We started counting from 46 days.
almost half now.
So little time, so much to do.
can't believe that it's about 10+ days before we get our groupings.
Which in fact have already been decided.
Just that they'll not be revealed until maybe nearing the end of april.
Oh okay I just heard something that I shouldn't be hearing.
"It's the final countdown.....the final countdown"
From some song which was played as advertisement on tv -.-
We've already hit the big 2.
and it's just 4 more days to hitting the big 1.
oh my goodness gracious me.
seemed like yesterday when a sec4 senior said this after atc 07.
(she was sec2 at that time)
"after your sec2 atc, you'll start to worry for pltc..."
yeah at that time I was still a sec1 and of course I was thinking it won't be soon.
"It won't be soon.sec2 atc is next far away.pltc can't be any sooner.
our sec2 seniors haven't even gone through it yet."and now.
it's 2009.
We are the ones who only have 24 days to pltc.
our sec2 atc has been long gone.
even our coj seems so long ago compared to what we're awaiting.
p.s. can have time extension?
LOL jk.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
♥ 4/05/2009 08:39:00 PM
Happy 300th post!!!!woots my blog is 300 posts old!
jie4 pt on wed after school yay!
It's gonna be a station pt kinda thing.
must get approval first.
hope it is approved eh!
we wanna further train up for PLTC.
Yeah I know it's kinda late like 1 month left but better late than never :D
You think we'd be doing all these if the people from theothercca were more reliable?
reliable ya, maybe only 0.0000001%.
okay fine.
as quoted from XXX: "you all cannot rely on (theothercca) like how we did last year."
not saying that they're noob.
it's just their attitude.
I remember hor during some combined activity not long ago hor our group-clothing-worn-as-the-outermost layer hor abit got alot of fingerprints from theothercca hor?
yeah alot leh.
they stayed back until 6+ during camp prep to help us chiong the group-clothing-worn-as-the-outermost layer hor?
they cheered their lungs out during the combined activity hor?
without them we wouldn't have completed all preparations for that combined activity hor?
well anyway we shall just do all we can.
and we can.
We don't have to rely on anyone.
"We don't have to bow down to the (othercca)" - michelle, p2
What's wrong with being humans of a different species from theothercca?
That doesn't mean we're weaker.
By the way, the people who gave birth to them are also from our species.
Are they saying that the nice people who gave birth to them are weak?
oh my goodness, how filial, don't you think so?
♥ 4/05/2009 12:27:00 PM
I have decided to close 'my spiritual blog' and just type everything I wanna say here lol.
Home - Chris Daughtry
I'm staring out into the night,
Trying to hide the pain.
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain.
I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home.
Well I'm going home.
The miles are getting longer, it seems,
The closer I get to you.
I've not always been the best man or friend for you.
But your love, remains true.
And I don't know why.
You always seem to give me another try.
So I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old.
Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all,
And then some you don't want.
Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all, yeah.
Oh, well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old.
I said these places and these faces are getting old.
So I'm going home.
I'm going home.
Some parts of this song reminded me of something.
it's like sometimes, we forget about God and go out into the world to chase after earthly desires.Earthly desires like results, popularity, attention, etc.
And to feel good, we have to work and work and work endlessly.
Because we'll never be satisfied with what we have now for long.
We'll want more more more, we'll want to be higher higher higher.
Sometimes, we even have to put on a mask and be a person totally opposite from ourselves.
But when we remember that God is there, when we come back to home, when we repent, God will just forgive us.
And you'll feel that nothing beats being in the house of God.
"A thousand days on earth can never compare to a day in Your courts."
True Friend - Miley CyrusWe sign our cards and letters BFF
You've got a million ways to make me laugh
You're lookin' out for me, you've got my back
It's so good to have you around
You know the secrets I could never tell
And when I'm quiet you break through my shell
Don't feel the need to do a rebel yell
As you keep my feet on the ground
You're a true friend
You're here 'till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Till it's alright again
You're a true friend
You don't get angry when I change the plans
Somehow you're never out of second chances
Won't say I told you, when I'm wrong again
I'm so lucky that I've found
A true friend
You're here 'till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Till it's alright again
True friends will go to the ends of the earth
'Till they find the things you need
Friends hang on through the ups and the downs
Cause they've got someone to believe in
A true friend
You're here 'till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
No need to pretend
Oh, you're a true friend
You're here 'till the end
You pull me aside when something ain't right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Till it's alright again
You're a true friend
You're a true friend
You're a true friend I wanna dedicate this to all my friends out there!
love yall so much <3
haha just browsing through songs on youtube.
♥ 4/05/2009 12:03:00 PM
CIP yesterday.
It was really great.
No need for elaborations lol.
anyway i just wanna introduce this new equation.
Cherisse + Zishan = Joke + craziness
During free time after dinner.
We went to the playground to play with other guides.
(yeah I know, you must be thinking we are very childish right? O.o)
Yeah so I tried piggybacking her.
then when she pounced on my back, I lost my balance and fell on her.
Then now it was her turn to piggyback me.
I pounced on her back and she fell on me.
No fun writing it down in words.
You have to see it to understand it lol.
Then after that we had a p6 performance people chat.
Went under some HDB walkway and starting talking.
Told them about the previous sec3s in p6, etc.
blahblahblah and everything.
alot of stuff lol.
Next week.
Only 3 days of lessons next week!
Cos Thursday is sports day and friday is Good Friday! :D
All the best to DHSTRACK!!!
especially the athletes of 3Jigglypuff!!! :D
Thursday, April 02, 2009
♥ 4/02/2009 08:36:00 PM
Okay as I have promised
mysummertimediaries.blogspot.comI'd come back here with my answer.
And I have decided.
Yes it's a surprise to you, but I have lol.
Well it may change.
It might.
But I've thought through it and now I've got an answer to give to A.
for the time being.
Since it's my decision, I shouldn't be asking anyone to decide the answer for me.
okay I'm ready to give the answer.
am I?
Okay, yes.
I'm ready to answer should A ask again.
haha wow that was quick.
anyway just to digress, here's part 2 of the pltc motivational prep course.
LOL why am I sounding so retarded?
I've learnt something from the WOG which I feel can be applied into things like pltc.
Set your eyes on what is unseen, not what is seen, because what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
'Seen' refers to things that are short lived.
In this case, the glory to win.
'Unseen' refers to the things that are hidden treasures.
In this case, the experiences and stuff learnt.
Race to ace is good, but don't get too caught up with it that you actually forget the true reason for pltc.
It's good to have a goal, but don't get too engrossed in reaching it that you actually ignore the process.
What's important here is not what you get at the end of pltc, but what you get out of it.
What you get at the end of pltc is your reward, but it is only temporary, after all, do you think people will remember the order of patrols of pltc 2009 10 years later?
however, what you get out of pltc are your experiences, which you can apply when you go out into society 10, 20 and many years later.
which here is the less temporary one?(:
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
♥ 4/01/2009 09:52:00 PM
Happy April Fools' Day!!!!
Today was quite a fun day.
Went for Ohana sl training in the morning.
Then when I went back to the parade square where my bag was with some other guides,
I got tricked -.-
here's how it went:
Xin Tian: Cherisse, just now your guides uniform was on the floor, seniors saw, and the whole jie4 must pump 200.
Cherisse: omg omg omg how did it drop????
Tammy: some random guy ran across and kicked it, and we didn't realise until 5 min later, when the seniors came and told us.
Cherisse: omg omg omg everybody 200????
Xin Tian and Tammy: Happy April Fools!
Cherisse: -.-
On the way back to class I pranked tabitha about overhearing her sjab postings.
Cherisse: Hey tabs just now in the morning I overheard some sjab sec4s talking about sec3s posts.
Tabitha: Then?
Cherisse: Then I heard your name. You are the house captain I think.
Tabitha: HAH I knew it.
Cherisse: happy april fools!
Tabitha: -.- anyway I'd believe it even if it wasn't a prank.
Started off lessons with a collaborative joke by 3I and 3J.
3/4 of the each class swooped classes.
The teachers weren't really taken aback lol.
During the last 15 minutes of PC, Clara asked helaoshi to let us get out of class and play jokes on other classes.
We went as a class and stoned outside other classes' windows.
That was our original plan.
Classes we went to:
3I - we just burst out laughing and they slammed the doors and windows on us lol.
3H - mr siva came and suanned us -.-
3G - they slammed the windows on us -.-
3C (which was inside classroom 3D) - laughed when we sang the school song.
3B - clapped when we sang (i forgot what song)
3L - clapped when we sang school song.
during lunch, the guides kept pranking about pltc being cancelled or telling gullible people that they're in the same pltc patrol lol.
michelle and I played a prank on mervyn.
This was how it went:
Michelle: Eh mervyn you know about pltc groupings?
Cherisse: you are in our patrol again.
Mervyn: everything same as coj?
Michelle: only some changes. we told the rest already.
Cherisse: oh ya our councillors are... (randomly said some yr5's names)
Michelle: No it's...(some other yr5's names) right?
Cherisse: Oh I didn't really remember luh but I heard their names.
Michelle: ya tmr have to jihe at 730 at parade square.
Mervyn: oh okay set.
and michelle and I went back laughing to the rest of the guides seated on the floor lol.
oh ya talking about sitting on the floor during lunch.
Our canteen tables were taken away by SHSC as a prank lol.
But it was quite a fun experience eating on the floor luh.
Writing all the pranks down here takes away the real atmosphere lol.
You have to be there to really see the funny expressions that make you just can't help but laugh.
Yeah so the last trick of the day by SHERLY CENDANA KOALITAS.
She wrote some crap on a pink card and left zonglong's number there, then she asked sylvia to pass it to me.
Obviously I knew it was a joke, but I didn't know who wrote it lol.
So I smsed zonglong "nice joke but I have seen better today. but good try lol."
Until sherly came and confessed to me later O.o
Anyway after school we had combined patrol activity: P1, P6, P7, P8
3-station oj.
It was tiring but fun, and we learnt some new stuff from there.
And after that we earned some pltc stories too :D
anyway that's all for now.