Sunday, May 31, 2009
♥ 5/31/2009 09:47:00 PM
Phantom Of The Opera - MasqueradeMasquerade!
Paper faces on paradeMasquerade!
Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
Every face a different shade
Look around - there's another mask behind you!Flash of mauve
Splash of puce
Fool and king
Ghoul and goose
Green and black
Queen and priest
Trace of rouge
Face of beast
Take your turn, take a ride
on the merry-go-round in an inhuman raceEye of gold
Thigh of blue
True is falseWho is who?
Curl of lip
Swirl of gown
Ace of hearts
Face of clown
Drink it in, drink it up,
till you've drowned in the light, in the sound
But who can name the face?Masquerade!
Grinning yellows, spinning reds
Take your fill - let the spectacle astound you!
Burning glances, turning heads
Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you!
Seething shadows breathing lies
You can fool any friend who ever knew you!Masquerade!
Leering satyrs, peering eyes
Run and hide - but a face will still pursue you!
The world is a masquerade.
We are merely actors on the stage.
Wearing masks that hide our true self.
But one day, my friend, your show will be over.
Take it off mann.
Your mask is dead.
But your face is alive.
And your so is your heart.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
♥ 5/30/2009 09:06:00 PM
Got back my report book on friday.
yeah I know I know.
I'm one of the lowest in 3J right?
3J is a smart class.
I am not as smart as them.
So I shouldn't feel demoralised that I'm one of the lowest.
At least I did put in effort.
I should spend some time during the holidays rewarding myself :D
We had patrol pdp before jihe on friday too.
When I hugged chunyen and zishan, I really felt like crying.
omg why?
it's not even the real thing yet.
Sally and I called it fake pdp and real pdp to differentiate them.
well maybe cos when the fake pdp is over, the real pdp will come next ):
well I don't know what kind of senior my juniors see me as.but if I am nothing more than an instructor to them, then I better work on it.Cos I told myself to be more like their sister rather than to solely be their teacher.
PLTC part 3.
aka STC on 4th June.
Claire, Eileen, Michelle, Sally, Swee Yee, Weixin, Yiting
First time same patrol with eileen and weixin.
Michelle - 5 times patrolmate lol!
ATC 08, COJ 09, PLTC 09, Telematch 09 and stc 09!
jiayous 41st batch!!! :D
we can.
anyway I was reminded of mr sng's speech on last day of school.
he said that for performing arts, they get to showcase their hardwork on the stage, whereas the sportsmen's hardwork are mostly behind the scenes.
And this got me to think about UG.
And then also fine-focusing on guides.
People from other ccas outside UGs will not see our behind the scenes saikang-ing, the only people we get to showcase our hardwork to is within ourselves.
But even if the world doesn't see it, we understand, we appreciate one another.
So we're gonna just give our best in everything we do(:
This STD (skills training day) is the 41st Batch's pltc encore.
only that the encore was not because of the impressive performance on stage, but because we have lots of areas to improve on.
since the song chosen for an encore is the best one, we too shall make our encore the best performance.
and so we're gonna end pltc encore with a bang.
The stage is really all OURS now.
Our ahheemmmm (cough cough) "siblings" won't be there to steal the limelight of our final performance, so we got no excuses lol.
the last applause from the audience is just a bonus.
all we need is to know that this encore is our best ever.
before we become the conductors/directors/music producers.
last skills training before (insert word)... ):
We can do it!
One should choose to be the one who makes mistakes and not be afraid to let everyone know the mistakes she made, rather than be the one who gives everyone a perfect image of herself.
cos the perfect image portrayed would be nothing more than a mask to hide her weaknesses.
cos nobody is perfect.
whereas if she made mistakes, not only will people learn from them, she will learn too.
And it'll be even better if people see how she picks herself up from her mistakes.
Though I feel we should not judged or be judged based on one mistake made and thus be shortchanged of life's experiences.
anyway, I had a cool birthday today!!!
thanks to all who wished via sms, msn, facebook, face to face etc!!!
You guys made me day.
had open house today.
Came to school at around 730.
some 41st batch people passed me cards and gifts but everything was in such a hurry so I had no time to hug them on the spot lol.
sorry :X
during open house, some people wished me too :D
and after open house, p6 celebrated for me with a chocolatey cake!!
then while I was washing hands, cryst and nic came up behind me and started singing lol.
such an awkward position to sing.
anyway thank you to everyone luh!!!! :D
joke of the century: tabitha ran all the way from the sjab booth to wish me happy birthday.
open house duty was interesting.
an ex dhs guide from the 1979 year came and took a look at our booth.
and she found 2 pics of her in the photo albums!
she took a photo of them with her hp haha.
and we found ms eileen lim's photo too!!!
haha it was so cool listening to all the stories of the past(:
wonder what it would be like 30 years later when we come back to dhs and talk to the 30 years later batches.
wow imagine the 71st batch.
maybe cryst's daughter would be there :D
haha hope they'll enjoy listening to our stories too lol.
I think next time we can just give them all our blog links and they can slowly go read :D
can compile into a book already lor.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
♥ 5/28/2009 09:19:00 PM
Getting back report book tomorrow.
Reminder to self to bring the following items which could prove to of good use in predicted circumstances:
earplugs/noise cancellation device: to shut my ears off anybody within at least 2m radius of me who is complaining about their 3.6.
chocolate/strawberry/banana bread: to stuff into people's mouths when they complain about their 3.6 right in front of my face.
a box of tissue: to distribute to people who are crying over their 3.6.
detergent: to wash the mouths of people who are cursing over their 3.6.
Look how everyday items can prove to be of such good use.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
♥ 5/26/2009 08:45:00 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TABITHA!!!!♥My ex-classmate + UG mate + caregroup mate!!!
All that I wanted to say has been written on that black piece of scroll lol.
Well at least all that I can remember.
Got lots to say luh actually.
Just can't seem to think of them now.
Words that remain unspoken are the most valuable ones :D
anyway something O.o happened today.
I bumped into teoee at the stairs.
me: (waves)
teoee: Hi! (waves)
after walking away,
wenyi: your junior ah?
me: NO! senior! 4K!
wenyi: oh she looks like sec1 leh.
me: she's sec4 -.-
must be her cute voice that mislead wenyi bah.
AYG ushering meeting on thurs is cancelled.
LOL I almost forgot there was a meeting until the sms came O.o
Didn't go for 3rd lang today cos I felt kinda sick.
So I napped at home to recuperate.
And I had a stupid dream.
Sherly should know.
Shan't elaborate(:
Monday, May 25, 2009
♥ 5/25/2009 09:24:00 PM
Great job to 3J for interclass!!!!
Everyone played really well!! :D
and nicholette, don't feel bad luh.
If your class guys dare to scream at you like how they did last friday, I'll stand up for you :DDD
just heck care and ask them to shut the gap before they scold you haha.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
♥ 5/24/2009 09:51:00 PM
So i got most of my grades back.
Physics - A+
Bio - A+
LA - A
Maths 1 - B
Maths 2 - B
Chem - A/B
Geog - B/C
That makes my minimum gpa 3.33 :D
so it's either 3.33 or 3.47.
cool right yay? :D
Not talking to the A or A+ kias who get above 3.6 and are still complaining -.-
I'm talking to my fellow B+ kias who got below 3.6, more than or equal to 3.2, and are happy about it :D
You will understand how much that 'great improvement!' sticker on your 4th maths pop quiz means to you, especially when you have been getting 7/20, 3/20, 6/20 for your first 3.
(note that the numbers typed above are in no way typo errors. yes, they are one-digit numbers.)
You will understand the importance of error-carry-forwards, especially when it pulls you up from a fail to 18/20!
And more so, when you are the only one out of the four 18/20 kias who got whatever you got cos of the error-carry-forward(:
You will understand the joy of getting 70% for your 3rd HCL test, especially if you got 47% for your 2nd one.
You will understand the irony of consoling your partner (who got an A instead of A+) while your paper with a fail/borderline pass grade is within your sight, yet you are acting as if nothing happened.
Success is not when you top the class.
Success is not when you have achieved every single of your high expectations.
Success is when you did your best and you know it.
Success is when you feel contented, not complacent, with yourself(:
Sometimes, you will appreciate something more when you don't get it very often.
Just like how B/B+ kias jump for joy when they see a 16/20, whereas A/A+ kias will either curse or cry.
For me, I'd rather choose to be one who is lacking, rather than the one who already has it.
Because only then will I understand the true joy of earning that something with effort and hard work.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
♥ 5/23/2009 08:34:00 PM
Year1s have been enrolled.
They looks so cute in their guides uniform haha.
Good job to colour party :D
so proud of you all cos you all looked so seh omg(:
Played captain's ball for patrol corner and poor isabella was injured ):
so we stopped the game.
And sat at the steps in front of elevated area to view the interclass matches.
Parents: So...what do you want your dowry fruits to be?
Daughter: errrrr....(smiles)
Parents: It's okay, just say whatever you want. Don't need to be humble.
Daughter: erm....can I have 2 choices?
Parents: Yeah, can rank your choices.
Daughter: okay...erm...pears...or pineapples...
Parents: any preference over the other?
Daughter: Nope.
(subsequent dialogue is not for public viewing)
And so, the question(s) has been asked.
The answer(s) has/have been given.
Well, as long as I really meant whatever I said yesterday from the bottom of my heart, and not just for the sake of answering or for the sake of giving politically correct answers, I should not regret my decision(s) and answer(s).
If being honest is the right thing to do, then I think I've more or less done the right thing.
I hesitated alot, but I realised that if I have to speak up, then I should.
Because if everyone thinks that someone else will speak up for the truth, then no one will speak up.
I must not be afraid of offending anyone, cos it's the truth, and we must stand up for the truth.
not hide anything just for fear of ourselves getting into trouble.
not just talk about the truth amongst ourselves.
cos if that's the case then it'll just be all talk no action.
or to put it in a crude manner, all fart no shit.
anyway, as quoted, honesty is the best key to a good relationship.
That's all I can say(:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
♥ 5/21/2009 09:51:00 PM
i feel better after thrashing it out.
Thanks :D
♥ 5/21/2009 08:56:00 PM
I just sent weixin a threat sms.
An sms to warn her about her little kids.
She must be too traumatised to reply :D
I'm so envious of sherly.
Her whole pltc patrol remembers her birthday.
Every single one of them.
They even take time to sms her happy birthday.
What about mine?
Some don't even remember that I was in the same pltc patrol as them.
What's with the, "______ and _______ were glad we didn't get last for pltc."
when I was like just next to you.
Oh I see you have totally forgotten how you shouted and screamed at me.
Black face.
Rolled your eyes.
And not a word of apology at all.
And I didn't say anything about that.
So now you pretend that you totally didn't hurt me at all.
And after pltc, I didn't think about how you all hurt me during pltc.
Until today.
I seriously have to voice out.
That's how I really feel ):
You remembered _______.
But not me.
Oh you must have been too smitten I guess.
and you forgot your so-called patrolmate and so-called friend.
well I guess this is just life.
People put their crushes over friends D:
sorry for this emo post.
I just have to speak up.
♥ 5/21/2009 05:57:00 PM
are all these just a facade of smiles that will fade away?
fade away when the time calls for it to?
what happened to our promises?
we promised it wouldn't happen.
But it did.
♥ 5/21/2009 05:36:00 PM
I screwed shengqi today.
big time.
I don't understand why I keep making mistakes one after another.
But maybe it's a good thing.
So that I can learn from them asap.
Rather than wait don't know how long before I make another mistake.
Then by that time it'll be too late for me to amend them.
So if you wanna make mistakes, make them all together, and you'll learn from them altogether(:
it's better to make mistakes and learn from them, then to not make any at all.
whoa so optimistic :D
p.s. do not listen to people-who-sleep-in-class-and-yet-get-imba-marks e.g that Song Leader when he/she says you are not cut out for it.
Because there is no such thing as being cut out or not cut out for something.
You just gotta try and keep trying.
You will succeed.
Just like that time in some specific month at some specific place when some specific person tried to put another specific person down but anyway the latter survived so whoo!!!
*cheers and claps*
(The above mentioned incident is purely fictional and any resemblance to real life events and experiences are purely coincidental)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
♥ 5/20/2009 08:15:00 PM
What happened in the morning today lol.
the softball teacher stopped us today at the parade square.
"Why you all so pathetic one? Yesterday use broom, today use this small stick. Tell me lah! I got a flag, can lend it to you all!"
So Sally and I went to get the flag after morning assembly.
It was big, orange and LONG.
Sally looked like an idiot carrying it back to class hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Was laughing at her getting stares from passers-by.
I think sally and I always look like retards O.o
anyway just wanna say, I think our sec2s very seh :D
ohohoh and they are gonna order their jie4 tee tmr!!!
Hope it's in time for pdp, just like last year when we wore ours for the performance item...
Monday, May 18, 2009
♥ 5/18/2009 09:44:00 PM
Sec1s are getting enrolled this friday.
So we've chosen our new sec2 colour party.
Amanda, Anyi, Chunyen, Ruo Ting.
Jiayous! :D
Time flies ):
today during cme free period, wulaoshi asked me THE question.
I was taken aback.
I didn't expect her to ask me lor.
It started from a chat about telematch and pltc then suddenly...suddenly...
can't escape this time yeah?
Got back Maths 1 and maths 2 results.
B for both.
Not bad kay!
After all the pop quizzes I have failed.
Still can get B :D
This is called epic tyco.
haha I think my minimum gpa should be around 3.2 so HAHAHA facebook I proved you wrong :D
cos 3.2 = B student :D
you underestimated me by 1 grade!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
♥ 5/17/2009 09:25:00 PM
Question: Why are they taking the rap for us?
Answer: Because they are the same people who took the rap for us 2 years ago ):
I hope jie4 pt won't be too late to 弥补我们的过错, 提高我们的水平.
Sorry I'm not a top HCL student so mind me for wrong usage of words.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
♥ 5/16/2009 08:49:00 PM
Telematch today was fun!
Although it rained.
T2 Shucks got 2nd!!! :D
And so our last mega event with the sec4s leading us ended just like that ):
Water war was cool but I didn't get wet gah.
Cryst, chunyen. zishan and I were defenders for one of the bases for the first round.
I did boys style pumping position with my hands on the chair over the pail.
Cryst and chunyen blocked my left and right.
Zishan blocked my head.
The algorithm dance performance was cool too.
All the dances were so interesting :D
But I think our lyrics is like the most random and diao one.
You're scared to get honey from the bees.
So you sabo your friend to take it.
You slap yourself for being a chicken.
You slap your friend for being a chicken.
Then you use a pole to knock the beehive up and down.
Then you hide for cover under a poncho.
You cross your arms to protect yourself from the big bees.
Then you turn around and ignore them.
Then you reach out and grab the bees.
And throw them to the sides.
The bees get angry, so they sting your toot.
Then you kick your friend's toot cos it's too painful.
There's an underlying meaning to the inspiration of the lyrics lol.
The view from level 5 balcony at around evening.

The view from level 5 balcony at around morning.

One of them is a fake.
Guess which one has been edited lol.


Clothesline!! :D
For the betterment of mankind :D

haha this was during LA quite some time ago.
Around a month ago?
Epic :D
I think 3J is a cute class.
P6 is an inspiration.
The people there make me want to call p6 my patrol, instead of my guides patrol.
Which was what I called it in sec1.
The 41st batch make me wanna call it my dears, instead of the other batch people.
Which was what I called it in sec1.
The guides make me wanna call it my ohana, instead of just my CCA.
Which was what I called it in sec1.
Now things have changed.
Friday, May 15, 2009
♥ 5/15/2009 09:45:00 PM
Got back 2 grades today.
Bio and physics.
2 A+s.
I think almost half the class got that kind of grades for now.
Which means I'm at average yay :D
not bad right.
A non-mugger getting average in a smart smart smart class :D
this shows that being a non-mugger doesn't mean you'll be an epic failure.
HCL and geog are definitely out of my gpa so yeah.
Well anyway the other subjects should be either A or B or C lor.
As long as my gpa is above 2, I can prove facebook wrong :D
According to THAT facebook quiz, I am a C student.
All I need is to get 2.1 and I can say that I am a C+ student :D
And then I can say that facebook underestimated my academic ability by 1 grade :D
well actually it's half a grade.
From C to C+.
C+ is carbon with a valency of 1.
(blow wind blow)
anyway today after pe, Sally and I tied a clothesline in class for our whole row to hang our pe shirts:D
after 2.4 mah.
so cool right? :D
Simple clothesline lol.
From one end of the window to another.
Using sherly's ball of baisheng.
Gah I think we're getting obsessed after pltc.
not obsessed about what some other yr3 guides are obsessed over. *eyebrows* :D
we're obsessed over baisheng and rafias lol.
We even harboured the thought of playing electric fence in class.
Using rafia strings to tie from one leg of a table to another leg of another table etc.
It'll be fun to play that lorrrrrr.
I want :D
apparently 3J was quite O.o at our clothesline lol.
imagine their reaction when we say we wanna play electric fence O.o
jiayous for telematch tmr! :D
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
♥ 5/13/2009 09:16:00 PM
Algorithm march is cool.
Shucks version of algorithm march is cooler :D
I especially love steps 11 and 12 hehe.
Thought up by crystabelle and I lol.
I never knew telematch prep could be so fun.
A whole entourage of people hogging the 5th level balcony.
(when the sec2s gathered to discuss dance steps)
crystabelle to sec2s: try to include the other gender yeah.
cherisse to sec2s: no, not the other gender, try to include the other CCA.
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 and...
anyway today I got a shock of my life.
18/20 for physics.
epic shock can.
At first Mrs Tan was like telling the class who got 20, 19 and was saying that 4 people got 18.
And I was totally not listening cos I knew obviously it wouldn't be me.
I was totally expecting to fail this.
Cos of my first wrong answer which lead to wrong answers in sub questions.
Was chatting with my partner lol.
Then when Mrs Tan called my name I thought she said 'sherly', so I continued talking.
Then Mrs Tan turned around and put the test paper on my table.
Then I gave her the :O look and it took me a few seconds before I took the paper lol.
So much for error-carry-forwards :D
They are life savers.
Monday, May 11, 2009
♥ 5/11/2009 09:55:00 PM
I attempted to get back my sec1 look.
the one with messy bangs.
(refer to post below lol)
but I think somehow it failed.
I totally do not look like my sec1 self.
This is reality.
Time flies.
I can never be a sec1 again ):
Even if I look like one.
anyway telematch prep today at bugis macs was fun.
It was flooded with DHS people lol.
Our team name is 'shucks!'.
The origin of the name is rather funny.
Shall not elaborate lol.
I finally got back the junior feeling I have been missing for don't know how long.
It's fun to be a junior again.
feels like my seniors are sec2s all over again :D
Haiz I guess the craving for the 'junior-feeling' is yet another pre-pdp syndrome.
It's contagious my dear.
anyway today I talked ALOT with 41st Batch people.
Earned alot of secrets lol.
Even if I looked exactly like how I did in sec1, I can't deceive myself cos I am not one anymore D:
Saturday, May 09, 2009
♥ 5/09/2009 10:57:00 PM
It's not the end of identity-chionging!
We still have one more chance for identity chionging for telematch :D
I just found out that we have to make 38 identities!
fabric paint here I come! :D
Okay I must really treasure this LAST LAST LAST chance for identity chionging(:
♥ 5/09/2009 09:05:00 PM
so yesterday was the last jihe the sec4s planned for us.
I'm glad that zhenling and pearlyn said they were proud of p6's performance during yesterday's oj(:
I'm glad that we ended it for them on a good note, and that we won't look back and regret not doing our best for the last jihe.
P6 got 2nd!(:
We gathered as a patrol to talk after break off.
Full attendence of 14 people!
Tears were shed ):
Zhenling couldn't bring herself to say her first sentence ):
The next jihe is telematch.
And I'm so happy that it is not cancelled.
We can get to experience our long-awaited 4-generation 'OJ' of 2009.
As a full attendence of p6 sec1-4(:
The last one was last year before bazaar, but the sec1s had not joined us yet.
There are many things I regret, and one of the most regrettable is being i/c for sec1 07 pdp item.
At that point of time, we, the sec1s of 2007, didn't really treasure the pdp ceremony.
It seemed so slipshod.
If only I could turn back time, back to pdp 07.
But that is so impossible.
For this year's pdp, if I get a chance to 密布我的过错, I must make sure I treasure it and really make pdp very very very memorable.
Put in much more effort than I did in sec1.
It's the least we can give back ):
I remembered in sec1, I was intimidated by the p6 seniors.
I don't know why.
It's just me.
I was super introverted.
And I felt so uncomfortable.
Then in sec2, I kinda didn't really like the juniors at first.
And now I just feel so family-ish with p6.
Zhenling's like our papa.
Pearlyn's like our mama.
Kimberley's like our nanny, she has gone to p7 but she still remembers us(:
The juniors are like our little sisters.
Well, I hate to admit it, but I have to.
I will always remember Zhenling, Pearlyn, Kimberley as the sec2s who took care of us when we first stepped in.
The sec2s who always covered up for us.
Protected us.
Even to the extent of protecting our stuff :X
Changed places with us when we were facing the sun.
Let us drink from the water cooler first.
I wish I could re-enact the first OJ I had ever had.
But with re-enactment, the feeling is lost.
Well anyway, telematch next week is combined with orchid and lion patrol.
Orchid, Ixora, Lion.
Add OIL!
It's the last time the sec4s are leading us ))):
When I can finally get back the feeling of how it was like when the sec4s were sec2s :D
But the feeling would just be different.
I can get to experience seeing them as sec2s of 2007, for the very last time, but I can never get to experience myself being a sec1 anymore ):
P6 picture post!!! :D


In 2007...
when I was sec1!!!
Wendy, Ovidia, Xinyi, Jiawen, Jia Jia, Jean.
KImberley, Zhenling, Pearlyn, Chengyee, Sally, me.

The Year 6s! (year4s 07)

The Year 5s! (year 3s 07)

Year 4s! (recent picture haha)

Year 3s! (year 1s 07)
Sally still looks totally the same -.-

Year2s and 4s 09! (recent picture :D)
Still got xanicia(:

I heart p6 :D
Thursday, May 07, 2009
♥ 5/07/2009 08:39:00 PM
Physics test was an epic fail for me.
But I think my LA compre this time is not bad :D
Laugh lor I know you got higher but I still think my score is not bad kay.
You can't put me down :D
So anyway I'm trying to adapt back to school life after spamming my mind with pltc and stuff.
every morning, I'm always walking along THE PATH(leading to campsite area) from morning assembly back to my class.
And I'm always passing by THE DINING AREA.
And every recess, I always pass by THE CAMPFIRE PIT and THE WHEELBARROW STATION.
Well I kinda don't really refer to it as the elevated area anymore.
It seems more significant to call it the campfire pit.
And I can't help but stop and think back about pltc stuff.
Now I understand what Teo Ee meant when she said, "during pltc, you'd be like 'aiyah wanna die already' but after pltc you'd be like 'come on, let's do it again' "
PLTC is once in a lifetime.
Once it's over, it's over.
Sec2s, treasure the process kay when it comes to your turn (:
Next is yours.
Wasn't it last year when I was a duty guide, and I was saying, "next pltc is ours, pltc 09."
Now it's over.
Well imagine if a video had been taken of my every step during pltc and shown to zhenling and pearlyn.
I wonder what they would be thinking?
Would they just burst out crying on the spot?
Crying can mean crying for joy or crying for disappointment.
Or would they just keep quiet throughout and then emo after the video ends?
Or would they have a wide grin plastered to their face throughout, happy that their efforts had not gone to waste?
I won't know what their reaction would be, but whatever it is, it has been done.
So there's no point regretting over what hasn't been done I guess.
Let's just learn from our mistakes and move on and not make the same mistakes again(:
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
♥ 5/05/2009 10:12:00 PM
Well This tanjong rhu campus has a different meaning for me after pltc.
Everything just seems so different.
It suddenly seems like some haunted, dilapidated old house (even though there are thousands of people inhabiting it in the day lol)
It just brings back all the memories whenever I pass by some places like the red tile area, dining area, etc during recess and such.
The path that the trainees took to run from dining area to tuanbu, the path most often travelled during pltc, held no meaning for me before pltc.
To me, it was just another path I took to go back to class after morning assembly.
But now.
I began to remember trainees running back and forth with mu, tents, etc.
These paths we ran were the places our sweat dripped on.
For some, the places reminded them of their injuries.
I will never look at that patch of grass(which was p1's campsite) like how I looked at it before
Now, it is called 'the campsite area', not 'another patch of grass'.
Monday, May 04, 2009
♥ 5/04/2009 08:27:00 PM
okay so here's the reflection on pltc.
Well pltc was over in a blink of an eye.
It's like a once in a lifetime experience.
And when it's over, it's over.
You're only left with memories.
Well, this is a good closure to my last time being a songleader trainee, my last time doing camp prep.
The next campfire, I'll be the one sitting down and listening.
The next guides camp, I'll be the one looking at my juniors lead their juniors.
We started off with KYB first thing on the first morning (shan't elaborate), and then proceeded on to camp D part 1.
Then it was a series of lectures after lunch and also a movie screening about some Korean movie.
If I'm not wrong, the title is wishing stairs.
Then it was dinner and we went for night explore at pasir ris mangrove swamp to solve a mystery.
According to some people, it was haunted O.o
Yeah anyway lights out was around 1+ am, but some of us went for PLC.
Next day we had morning PT and then inspection.
Flag raising, then camp D part 2.
And after lunch was another lecture and then OJ.
And after dinner was campfire!
Then lights out around 1130.
And then around 4am on sunday, evacuation drill.
Ran from place to place then around 5+, went back to sleep at indoor sports hall.
Then we had speed pioneering which was cool cos the structure was a cube :D
And then clear up etc.
Then photo taking and debrief.
P1 got 4th patrol and we got 1st for Camp D yay :D
So shocked cos we were the slowest patrol to complete our structures and gadgets.
And not to mention, our kitchen table kua-ed 3 times before the end product was done.
I think our gateway is aesthetically appealing cos it's symmetrical :D
Other patrols' gateway also nice and creative(:
Well today morning our course leaders gave every individual an evaluation.
They asked me a question which I had difficulty answering.
I knew they were gonna ask this but I just didn't think through before that.
And I stoned there for a few minutes before I gave an answer that was like okay, kind of standard and politically correct.
Ah shit.
Okay I must promise myself not to give such a stupid answer if someone else asks me that again.
Anyway I want to thank my dearest patrol P1 ION + our course leaders (in alphabetical order) - Beng Haun, Charmaine, Jiamin, Jun Yang, Michelle, Samantha, Stephanie, Wei Chia cos without them I would'nt have survived pltc.
And I wanna thank all the trainees for pia-ing so hard together and wanna thank the organising comm and duty personnel and teachers and everyone!
To tell the truth, I missed p6 alot during pltc ):
I was thinking about p6 lol.
I really feel like giving each one of them a big hug right now :D
Okay I shall post some messages that I saved on my phone.
Cant post all cos if ntop it take forever to read lol.
I remember Zishan's encouraging sms a few days before pltc that almost brought me to tears:
"T.T is veh touched! no I wont forget how I crushed you w my fat ass and how you crushed me w your fat ass :D no matter what i will always rmb u de! omg how come this sounds like you're leaving? choi choi choi! Anyways u have been a wonderful snr and i know you've been trying veh hard to make us sec2s seh-er! I know smtimes i abit unserious but i promise i will change for the better. You have been my role model and u will always be. jiayous for pltc p6 loves u i do too <3"and zhenling's sms after coj brought me to tears.
I cried on the spot after reading her sms.
"Hi cherisse! Don't feel disheartened over coj. Most importantly is that you reflect and learn from your mistakes so that you can do better for pltc. If you know that you have given in your best shot, i am proud of you :D"and pearlyn's sms to cheer me up during coj prep (can't post it here cos there's confidential stuff lol)
and so many many many more.
I heart p6(:
Had a thought.
Well this didn't occur to me immediately after pltc ended.
It occured to me a few hours later.
What's next after pltc?
You know what I mean right? ):
Read through past posts from other guides' blogs about passing down and I came across alot of posts about time extensions.
This is a story that I shall narrate.
A and B are sec1s.
C and D are sec2s.
C & D: Hi sec1s, our PL says you have to complete your lecture book proposal by this friday.
A & B: Orh okay.
(friday)A & B: Can help us ask for time extension to next monday?
C: Okay. (smses PL) she said okay.
(monday)A & B: Can help us ask for time extension to friday?
D: Okay. (smses PL) she said okay, but this is the last time extension she'll give you.
A & B: okay.
-1 year later, C & D take over-
(during patrol activity)C & D: 20 minutes, tie shoe rack.
A & B: okay.
(19 minutes later)A & B: Can we ask for 10 minutes time extension?
C & D: Okay, owe 10.
A & B: Okay.
(9 minutes later)A & B: Can we ask for 5 minutes time extension?
C & D: Okay owe 5, this is the last time extension we're giving.
A & B: Okay.
-another year later, a day before pdp-
A & B: Can we ask for 1 more year time extension? Or at least 6 more months? 3 more?
C & D: We'd be more than willing to give you, but we have given you all our time. That's all the time we have, and we have no more left...
sometimes, we take time extensions for granted, until we can't get anymore D:
this friday is the last jihe they're planning for us):
Essay question: P6 is a caring patrol. How far do you agree? (30m)I bet I'll pass this question with flying colours :D
I already gave so many many examples in this blog haha
Sunday, May 03, 2009
♥ 5/03/2009 09:57:00 PM
PLTC, the day we've been counting down to, is over.
That's so fast.
It seemed so quick and everything.
Well shall elaborate more tomorrow.
Goodnight! :D